Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lesson with Xuereb

We arrived at his doorstep at exactly 10am, as agreed.

Monsieur Xuereb, with his usual slight smile, opened the door to greet us.

I handed him the tarts we bought for him as a thanking gift, and he kept on saying, "No, no... you shouldn't do that. It's ok..."

So we started to play Paul's piece, with Xuereb standing behind us, reading our music, since we didn't have the full score for him to read.

It seems that he liked our playing, he kept on saying it was beautiful, and then gave us some tips here and there. When I say "some", it doesn't mean it only helped a little. In fact, those are GREAT tips!

He especially made lots of violistic comments to HP, and directed her to a more viola-like playing, rather than her usual violinistic approach.

He also gave us some tips about playing contemporary music. For instance, he told us harmonics should always sound loud and clear in contemporary music ---- which is pretty much a subconscious knowledge but often ignored.

After the lesson, Xuereb told us that we could keep in touch and he might be able to hook us up in some summer festivals in Europe that provide scholarships. He said it would be interesting to have people from America ---- yeah well.... geographically, it's correct. Haha!

It was a delightful lesson. I hope HP will remember and apply the tips she learned today, it's not an everyday opportunity to listen to tips descended directly from Primrose to his student!

Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Xuereb!


Shoehorn said...

Totally understand that feeling to have a good lesson. You guys still have a lot of rooms to improve. Just keep it up. CH, you say one more time you wanna quit classical, I poke you !

AGREE! a primrose is not always a good teacher.
Practice more!

If you go to festival next time, tell them you are Malaysian. Not only that, CHINESE Malaysian. Fuck some who have terror impression on countries that they don't know.

Violinuts said...

Oi, i NEVER said i want to quit classical ok?! if u say one more time i poke u!!! pukimak betul!!!