Monday, October 13, 2008


我向來都不算是張國榮的fan. 他的歌聲, 老實說, 並不是我喜歡的那種類型, 他演的電影, 我也少看.

可是他有一個令我念念不忘的角色 --- 歐陽鋒. 那種深刻的印象甚至比<<霸王別姬>>裡面的程蝶衣更震撼.

電影開場他跟顧客"推銷"的那段就非常有帶入感, 那種眼神就很有"西毒歐陽鋒"的陰險奸詐, 讓你對這個人有點厭惡. 雖然就只透出那麼一點, 但在在表現出恰到好處的演技, 使角色非常有說服力. 甚至讓你深刻感覺到歐陽鋒未來的命運和性格, 在這屬於前傳的故事裡絕對有跡可循.

喜歡他在這部電影裡面的表現, 就因為他那種淡淡然的臉部表情, 更彰顯了那種自然流露的邪氣. 如果誇大來演的話, 相信效果就會很糟.

題外話: 我昨晚在電影院看的這個<<東邪西毒>>是最新的"終極版", 王家衛在電影裡面加了一些電腦影像, 重新錄了聲效, 把林青霞的原音帶回來, 更弄了個馬友友進來在原聲配樂之上添加了一些獨奏與即興片段(畫蛇添足). 裡面做的一些添加效果相當好, 至於馬友友的部分, 就免談, 實在不明白到底弄那個來幹嘛.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Germany trip

So, I'm back from Germany!

This 9-day trip was fun with the Sirius Quartet, it was an intense schedule. But don't get me wrong --- it was not a tour, we stationed in the Ochsenhausen Monastery and never left the place.

I flew in to Stuttgart from Amsterdam with our violist and founder, Ron. The flight was crazy because when we got into Stuttgart from New York, we only had around 20 minutes to run over to next gate for departure. And in between that, we had a big airport to deal with, a long line at the customs, and a security checkpoint.

When we finally got to Stuttgart, of course, you can imagine, our luggage was not there. We made it, but our luggage did not.

It was cool though, the Stuttgart Airport apologised to us (damn, when have you seen that in New York or KL?!) and gave us each a pack of toiletry for the night's use. They promised to deliver us our luggage bags to where we stayed, Ochsenhausen, which is a village in the middle of nowhere, basically. When I opened the pack in my room, I found a white t-shirt, a pair of socks (the kind which you can only use once), toothbrush and toothpaste, shaver and shaving cream. Gregor, our 2nd violinist, and Mike, our cellist, came to pick us up and drove to Ochsenhausen, which is a very quiet and tiny place, probably 30 KM outside from Biberach.

The second day was an intense rehearsal day with the student string orchestra with the first batch of improvisation students in the Landesacademie, which we didn't teach. The Landesacademie is an academy that runs different workshops the whole year, there are educational workshops, music workshops, art workshops and many many more. The monastery is basically turned into this academy, except their main church building, which is built baroque cum gothic style, during those respective periods. The interior was gorgeously painted with biblical stories on the high ceilings, sculptures and a beautiful organ. Too bad I didn't get to take pictures of these.

We finished our rehearsals at night, around 8.30pm, totally exhausted. But of course, the next thing I knew was.... BEER TIME! How can you not have beer in Germany? Each bottle of beer you buy from the machine costs 1.50 Euros. Among the string orchestra, I found my friend from Mancini, Katarzyna. She was serving as faculty in the workshop, we're so happy to see each other again. It was so random, you get to meet an old friend in a place you least expected.

The third day was our recording day (!!). Yes, already. One day of rehearsal, and then recording. It was very intense, of course. We started off recording Gregor's Cuban Impressions. That was almost a concerto for string quartet and orchestra, beautifully written, so complicated rhythmically, in the first movement. We got our ass kicked REALLY HARD to get the rhythm right. But hell, we got it right finally.

We continued our recording on the fourth day, which we finished up Cuban Impressions and went on to record Gregor's cello concerto written for Mike, with materials from Mike's own compositions. That was a tour-De-force for Mike and he played his ass off, it was so perfectly done on his part. Good job dude!

That night, we started our own album's recording. We did one movement and called it a night. We wrapped up on the next day by finishing the entire piece of Gregor's String Quartet No.3 a.k.a. New York Suite. The thing that we least expected was that we spent so much time on the second movement, 125th Street. It almost drove us crazy because we usually treated it like a jam piece without caring much, but our engineer, Johannes, pointed out so many things that we never took note of. Good on us for having such a great recording engineer --- in fact, the greatest in Germany! He's the engineer of Keith Jarrett's trio albums and many many other ECM and European recordings. This guy would read the full score while we record and would give us so many great musical suggestions which are 99% of the time accurate. You will spend half as much the time with him as you spent with other engineers. He is that great.

The string orchestra was gone since the wrapping of Mike's concerto. But the new batch of students came in the day we finished our quartet piece (we decided to do the rest of the album in NY). We met up and gave the students a brief orientation, playing 2 movements from Gregor's piece and Mike taught them a fiddle tune called "Shove The Pig's Foot Further into the Fire". Them kids (and adults) loved it and could never stop playing the tune since.

The rest of the days were all individual and group classes. On Day 7 and early Day 8, we did 2 short and messy rehearsals of the concerti with Mike and Gregor. I guess the students weren't confident enough with all the crazy cross rhythms and stuff, plus, further confused by the conductor. We had a nice concert in the afternoon of Day 8 though, playing our quartet pieces --- which included a new tune I wrote in Germany, This Could Be A Ballad. Gregor's 2 movements from his concerto was pretty messy, orchestral speaking, but Mike's concerto was great on both sides.

Sirius had a nice German dinner in the town area (that was the first time I've seen the town, honest), and had a long talk about future plans. We all agreed that this is a very exciting line-up and we need to do something to push our name to a wider popularity. Let's hope it will happen.

We woke up the next day at 6.30am, all looking like zombies, because we needed to check out at 7am. Gregor drove all of us to the airport. Poor Mike, he didn't even need to get to the airport so early, for his flight was around 2.30pm. But I heard he had a great time dining in the city of Stuttgart, good for him! As for us 3, we had our toughest time waiting for both planes in Stuttgart and Amsterdam. The Stuttfart-Amsterdam plane was delayed for an hour or something, which we thought was not so cool. But little did we know that the Amsterdam plane also had mechanical problems they had to change a plane that was flying in from Shanghai! And that delayed our Stuttgart-New York flight for 5 hours. Luckily KLM issued us vouchers to have lunch, call home, and 50 Euros worth of discount for our next KLM flight.

When I finally landed in New York, it was 7.40pm. Got home by subway around 9pm, had my dinner at 11pm. And my housemates went to play pool and ping pong till 1.22am. I didn't know how that can happen to me, for I should've been crashing. But I guess that's because I had a great time there, not travelling like mad, though busy, no phone calls, limited internet access...

Yeah, I can use another 9 days in Ochsenhausen... :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bravo Mr Thum!

I went to see "21" last night, and I was waiting for another good laugh of Shirley Pang's Chinese subtitles.

Surprisingly, the shit was smooth!

The Chinese was really not bad at all!

What was going on with that bitch? She improved?


It was another guy who did that subtitles, and he was smart enough not to put in his real name, he only stated himself as "Mr Thum".

Very good, Mr Thum! You're good! Keep it up!

People, you should simply go to see 21 solely for that one reason!

I really wish to see more of Mr. Thum's work.

And fuck you, Shirley Pang, time to go home and sleep.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have a .45 pressed on my head, but it wouldn't go off. I'd rather it does.

Wouldn't it feel sooo good if I'm shot dead right now?

Been 2 months, what do I get in KL? Vacation? Officially yes, practically no.

Just give me a fucking break, that's all I ask for. I don't need much, just two weeks will do me so much good.

Otherwise, please pull the fucking trigger.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Who is Shirley Pang?

OK, 回到最根本的问题上:到底谁是Shirley Pang?




到底Shirley Pang是谁?我问了好多人这个问题,都问不出个所以然来。


前两年还是Sharon Pang, 今年突然间变成了Shirley Pang, 到底是怕被人打而换名字,还是做不下去了把自己妹妹抓出来顶差?如果是怕人打的话,为什么不连Pang也换掉?





"Give him your gun"变成“给你他的枪”。

"Princess"变成“王子”。(Hellboy II)


还有更多不胜枚举的例子,足以令一部严肃的电影变成胡闹搞笑片。正如我朋友在网上告诉我的:“It really makes you angry in a funny way!”


在逃犯:Shirley/Sharon Pang
罪状:1. 涉嫌丢尽马来西亚华人中文水平的面子
2. 胡翻英文电影对白

Everybody! Let's go!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008




最近在纽约煲《攻壳机动队--Stand Alone Complex》电视影集。故事和先进动画看到爽之余,我也同时爱上了作曲者菅野よう子(Kanno Yoko,华语大概念成“阳子”还是什么的吧)。看名字就知道是位女士。她的音乐果然很有女性细致的一面,都写得非常用心。我很少注意到电视片集的音乐可以做到这么用心的。

菅野的这部作品大多运用电子元素,很多声音样本(sample),很多很好玩很特别的节奏,再加上很多延绵不断的悠长和声,把人带进无限遐想,且很有lounge还有chill out music的味道。



Track 5 Where Does This Ocean Go?
菅野在这里先让爵士常用的刷棒(brush)击打小鼓(snare drum)的真实声响,然后配上很空灵的Fender Rhodes电子钢琴的键盘声,非常有那种真假,新旧的对比。再加上柔美的歌声,听了根本就不会想再从梦中醒来。

Track 12 Fish ~ Silent Cruise


Sunday, June 22, 2008



Time to go home for a while and leave everything in New York behind for two months...

Well, not everything, but you know what I mean...

But before I leave, I have to list out a few names --- people who treat me so well that I dunno how to repay them. Without these people, I'd say, I might have become very broke, not known in the scene, or.... well, let's just say, I might not become who I am today.

Thanks to

Ray Pizzi --- he's my improvisation Jedi master, but at the same time my father figure who taught me so many things in life.

Daniel Phillips --- my classical violin teacher who made me the musician I am right now.

Christian Howes --- my friend and some-time teacher whom I met at the subway, the first person in New York who really cares about my career as a musician and later signed my artist visa application, he's the whole reason I'm still around. He also changed the way I play jazz --- like how he changed many others.

Claudia Wigent --- if Ray Pizzi's my father figure, then Claudia's my mother figure. She's a great harpist and music contractor of various big wedding events. She is also one of the few people who really cares about my career, both artistically and monetarily. She's always watching my back. I am very touched what she'd done to me. *hugs*

Jenny Lin --- say, if Ray is my father figure, Claudia is my mother figure, I guess Jenny is my SISTER figure. I dunno how she trusted me so much, first time we met in her concert she said she wanted to play with me (she'd never hear me play before). And she's always very supportive about the weird stuff I have been trying to do. She just has that strange faith in me, somehow. *hug hug*

Mike Block --- this is my Jewish bro who approached me for the Sirius Quartet position. If it ain't this guy, nobody in the scene would take note of me still.

Yuko --- my dancer/choreographer friend. Even though we have only met for 2 weeks to date, she became my first ever loyal fan. She followed every single show that I played since we met. I should include Yoshiko and Rio's names here too but Yuko is definitely the leader of the fan base!! I also have to thank her strange faith in me (similar to that of Jenny's), hiring me as a "composer" in her project, knowing that I'm not actually a composer.

Last but not least, my hip hop brotha, Akim Funk Buddha. Yes man, you're another person who've been appreciating what I do on my fiddle and making good use of it. You brought me to Kennedy Center, Joe's Pub, all those places. What can I say except giving a big hug to you?

Thanks to all of you, I won't forget any of you for my whole life.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ray Pizzi back with some words of gold (updated)

My dear musician friends, please, watch this! This man is my improvisation teacher and he is one of the few people I know who loves music more than his own life ---- and now he's teaching you how!

This is the reason how he could survive on top of the food chain in the Hollywood industry.

Hollywood is a tough place to be in, and it's usually recording industry as everyone knows, which is hectic and super-organized --- to the point of "anal-ity". I've seen too many money-minded Hollywood musicians and composers who already forgot about the true meaning of music when I was there in LA. It's kinda scary to imagine what would I become if I lived there for 10 years as a studio musician. But under this kind of environment, Ray has been able to be on top of his form and makes good music every day and still loves every minute of making music. What does it take to stay in such good shape?

Now this is what I call "Practising what he preaches"!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Sometimes I really hate New York subway.

I was running over to Panoramasian rehearsal today, thought I would get there on time this time (been late last time). Jules wanted to come along to Manhattan, so naturally, I had to wait for him a bit. Then he fucked up, he found out that his card was done and had to buy one at the vending machine.

"BRRRRRRROOOOOOM", one train pass by above my head.

Fuck, right?

So we waited for the 7 train, it took quite a while to come over to the station. 12.16pm, supposed to be there by 1pm. It's OK, I can make it because F train is fast.

Tried to transfer to F train, it was an E train right there and it went away as soon as we got to thr platform. And we thought F train will be next...

About like 10 minutes later... E TRAIN!!!

By then it was already like 12.30pm or some shit. If the train was F, I should've been able to be there on time...

OK, nevermind, I took E, thinking of transferring to F in West 4.

Fuck, when I finally got to the first stop in Manhattan, 12.50pm.

I'm fucked, I thought. So I got out of the train, ran up to street level and got a cab.

I was late still...


Monday, June 16, 2008

My friend, Daijiro's "speech"

My buddy, Daijiro, went back to Japan after his short stay in Germany, studying with Roger Norrington. I was puzzled by his move. After many months, he finally gave me the reason why, and his words deeply touched me. And you asshole out there who think that we should all wear suits and night gowns into the concert hall! READ THIS!!

well this is why i came back to japan. i need to do this as soon as possible. otherwise, in 30 years, we are dead. I sound like making a speech below. well i intended to.

The environment where people get cultured

There is surprisingly a lot of concerts and exhibition in Europe.

There are concerts in numerous amounts of churches in a city every week, in music hall daily. Addition to it, there is operas. Beside, inexpensive tickets are always available.

This means that enjoying cultural events is normal act. And the environment for it is ready for people.

There are as many concerts in Europe as in Tokyo. However, the ticket price is much higher than it is in Europe. And the concerts take places in the same 4-5 concert halls which is located in City Center: therefore, it is quite far from the place where people live. The concerts begins early, therefore there is no time to have dinner before the concert. Hence audiences have to eat sandwich in the hall. This means that unless you have flexible schedule (who has it anyway in Tokyo?) and earn good, you cannot really enjoy concerts COMFOTABLY in Tokyo. In other words, most of people have to make effort or sacrifice in order to go to live performance. And top to all, Kids are not welcomed here.

When children grow up n this situation, they understand that going to concert is something special, something tiresome. They think participating cultural events, which enrich their life, is actually unproductive and waste. But they are the future audience. Is this OK? Off course not. Then, what should we do?      

Children must attend cultural events as frequently as possible with their parents and enjoy. For this, creating such an environment is crucial, otherwise, we cannot hope for future.

The success of the Festival La Folle Journee in Japan is suggestive. The success is largely depends on its inexpensive ticket and flexible schedule. People are eager to engage themselves to these concerts if they do not have any stress both financially and time wise.

Unfortunate thing is audience for the festival does not listen to Classical music in normal situation. It means, there is no increasing in the amount of audience in professional music organization such as orchestras in Tokyo.

A big event does not help Classical world to have more audience. A fashion of listening to classical music does not help increasing audience. Because it is the big event, people come. Because it is cool only RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT, people listen. These things would not educate our future audience. NEVER!

Then what do we need? As I mentioned above, we musicians must frequently provide concerts which people can come without stress with their kids. In churches, public governed halls and Buddha temple and etc. If children grow up in this environment where they taste arts as daily food, they will be willing to go to those big halls where 100 people is playing together (this is really something abnormal you know that!), and therefore they understand that the ticket has to be expensive.

So please we have to spend our time and energy to create this environment. I hope you agree with me and do something together.

and this is my response to him:

Dude, well said! I have a lot of same thinking as u. Same thing happens in Malaysia --- well, even worse, because our level is not as high as Japan!

Going to see Malaysian Philharmonic is like going to a temple or shrine to worship the gods. And the stupid hall asks people to wear suit and night gowns to attend those concerts, otherwise they won't be allowed into the hall. Now what does that mean??? It ended up that most of the people attending are either hardcore music lovers who can afford to spend or yuppies who think going to concerts make them look cool and cultured, yet they don't know a thing.

I really hate this. I hate it from my guts. That's why I want to go home too. But not yet, not until I do something good here until people will believe what I say.

I wish you all the success u will get in the future! And please, if you can find sponsors to get me to Japan, let's play again!

Good luck my brother!

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Oil price rising
Extra 78 cents per litter.
Buddy asked me what to do.
I said, "Nothing."

Yea but seriously
What to do?

Life goes on.

He repeated the same question
I said,
Can't sell your car because Malaysian public transport
Sucks ass
Just live
A simpler life
Less expensive, branded clothes
Cook at home
Less entertainment
Less socialising
And most important of all
Divorce your wife
Break up with your girlfriend

And then
Life goes on

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Back to Civilisation

Bitches, I'm back!

I can't believe I finally got back after a 14-hour drive from South Dakota dammit!!

We had a 4-day tour since Monday, visited Badlands, stayed there for a night, then checked in to Black Hills, went to see the four dead guys' heads in Mt Rushmore, crossed over to Wyoming to look at Devil's Tower.

In between those, we went to see some wildlife in Custer National Park, watching bisons, deers and shit... oh and the cute little prairie dogs.

In a summary, it's an ass-hurting journey of total boredom from old people saying garbage (am referring to my sis' mom-in-law) and lots of exciting wild animal action.

Tired tired tired...

But the views were nice, air was fresh, and people were nice out there.

Somehow I feel that the people there in the mountains are like Malays... Very nice people, very sincere, but when they do things they're very slow...

Friday, May 30, 2008

From Black Hills, South Dakota

Alright, so I know some of you read my blog regularly.

I'm sorry I've been disappearing for a while.

I'm typing this message inside a forest in South Dakota, called Black Hills.

Very big land with nothing but wilderness.

Feel very lucky to actually able to steal some signal from somewhere I don't even know where.

Will talk about the trip when I get back in touch with civilisation.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Food fest, concert, and baba-mama's arrival

So I slept like so damn "early" this morning, it's unbelievable.

Nick woke me up at 11.44am to ask me if I wanna go to Food Festival in Manhattan, which I really wanted to go. So I pinched myself in the butt and made myself more awake, opened the door for Nick, changed to my concert clothes, and went straight to Manhattan.

The Food Fest was held for two days, and it spanned from 37 St, all the way up to 57 St, on 9 Avenue. NYPD blocked the road so that people can walk along these 20 blocks and enjoy their food.

There were soul food, latino stuff (one too many same ones), Indonesian food, Jamaican food, Greek, Italian, blah blah blah... they're all street food. One thing was, there were also lots of stalls that don't sell food altogether. They sold sunglasses...duh...CDs....duh....T-shirts....double duh.... but wait, we saw one very funny stall that only sells Obama t-shirts that they designed themselves. We saw "Obama is My Homeboy", "Obama mama"... there were more I couldn't remember.

I didn't eat too much, but I had Amy's Bread's yummy brownie, Indonesian chicken wing, Jamaican jerk chicken, and a BBQ rib from Spanky's Ribs. I also bought a strawberry-banana smoothie from a Taiwanese stall.

Along they way, I saw the Japanese bellydancer chick that I met in UN dancing on the street outside a middle-eastern restaurant. Poor girl was dancing in the drizzle, hope she didn't catch a cold with those sexy clothes of hers.

When it was finally raining for real, Nick and I went to the subway, and I went straight to my gig in Bayside.

It was a concert with the Oratorio Society of Queens, and I'm playing in a group called Ensemble of Orchestral Arts or some shit like that. The orchestra wasn't that impressive, but the choir was pretty good --- well at least they treat their game seriously, and sang with full passion and commitment. The soloist were all very good singers, some even sang in the New York City Opera, dun pray pray.

Got the check right away!!!!

After having a dinner with Brando and Charlie, Brando drove me back home and I finally took back my amp from him. My looping station is on the way, so I have to get ready to play my new toy!! hehe...

Then at 9.50pm, I got out of the house to take a train to JFK to pick up mama and baba. Gawd, they brought so many things over! I literally stuff my food closet FULL! I have one whole year of food right there... hehehehehe....

Alright, now they're asleep in my room, I gotta crash on the sofa now...tata...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jangan kerja utk orang yunani

Saya ni orang M'sia, biasalah tak tau orang yunani tu macam mana. Tapi tentulah kadangkalanya dengar khabar angin mengenai c'ita-c'ita kedekut mereka.

Tapi sejak sampai di Amerika ni baru saya tau seteruk macam mana mereka boleh jadi.

Di sini saya nak menyampaikan mesej saya dulu: Saya ni bukan racist. Saya menulis artikel ni memang kerana ada ekspiriens beberapa tahun berkerja dengan/untuk orang yunani dan akhirnya memang tak boleh tahan lagi.

Mereka ni suka membayar anda sikit wang, lepas tu buat anda kerja seandai kerbau.

Saya seorang pemuzik freelance di sini. Acap kali saya bermain dengan orkestra-orkestra dan band-band yunani untuk kenduri-kenduri ataupun majlis-majlis perkahwinan yunani. Setiap kali kami pemuzik-pemuzik kena main sepanjang 4 atau 5 jam di sana-sini seluruh hotel. Ada suatu peristiwa saya masih ingat, saya dibayar $50 selepas bermain sepanjang 5 jam!!

Tadi saya menerima e-mel dari guru besar suatu sekolah menengah yunani yang saya mengajar sekumpulan 16 pelajar setiap Isnin. Kerja ini membayar saya $24 untuk setiap minggu --- sama harga dengan saya mengajar satu pelajar di sekolah muzik lain yang saya ajar.

Pelajar-pelajar di situ memang tak serius, tak datang ke kelas, membuat bising semacam orang sakai. Malam ini saya menghantar keputusan pelajar-pelajar sial tu kepada guru besar. Selepas 2 jam, guru besar menjawab surat saya seperti di bawah:

Thank you Mr. X for getting back to me so promptly. I understand your disappointment in the group and regret having to hire a new violin teacher for next year. However, I am equally disapponted in some of the instructors of the classes as well, whose attendance and record keeping left alot to be desired and contributed greatly to the disfunction of some of the classes. There was little effort made on the part of some of the instructors to take the lead in seeing that their class would be successful. I partially blame myself for expecting too much on the part of some of the instructors. The nature of these classes was not to make concert musicians of the students but to expose them to an area of music that they had no experience with and to broaden their experiences in high school. When the program began last year in Feb. 2007 it appears that the original instructor made a connection with the students while teaching 5 different instruments on five diferent days and maintaining an attendance of well into the 90% range for the students enrolled. I believe the effort expended by some of the instructors determined the ultimate success or failure of the class. A number of instructors made no effort to find out why the missing students did not show up, rarely informed me of particular students absences, failed to keep regular attendance week to week, failed to submit those records to me on a weekly basis, never took the interest to get the students phone numbers and call home occasionally to find out why they had not attended, never even tried to learn the student names, came late or were absent numerous times themselves, sometimes sent substitutes who had no idea what was going on, never assigned seating or places, never made the effort to seek me out, never came early to discuss issues, only spoke with me when I approached them and so on and on. If I were a high school student I think I would have ditched such a class after a 10 hour school day. Once spme of the students realized an instructor didn't really care, they followed suit. Never-the-less, I thank you for your efforts and I am just as disappointed in the students who did not show the proper dedication to the class as you were but I am even more disappointed in the instructors who did not have the professionalism or skills to conduct a proper voluntary after school high school music class.

I wish you continued success in the future and thank you for your efforts on behalf of the students.

Best wishes,
Harvey Fxxxxxx

Ini memang pukimak punya orang. Mati sajalah!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Shit man, I haven't had a full blown sleep for NIGHTS!


I crash at about 6pm just now and slept till 9pm+!!!

It was grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

After the show and the rest in Boston...

I played my first show with Sirius on the 8th of March.

People loved it, and they were surprised when they realised that I only perform with Sirius for the first time. They said I blend in with them very well. Glad to hear that.

The guys accepted me as their member, and we are doing a Germany trip in the end of September, making a recording there.


Right after the show, I walked over to the edge of Chinatown to catch my last Fung Wah ride for the night, going to Boston.

On the way, I called my sis to tell her the good news, she said she was very proud of me. And after a while mama called me too, she also said that she's very happy for me.

The reason that I came to Boston was to record for some guy's album. Jeremy got me this gig.

The next morning, we started recording at around 12pm and ended at 8.30pm.

The album was a concept album by this guy Gavin. He's a very serious musician who really knows every detail that he wants. I like to work with people like this.

But because the session was too long, at one point I felt like a zombie...

Although we started at 12, we got paid more than that because we were supposed to start at 11am and Gavin was late himself. He even paid for my bus ride to and from Boston.

The rest of the night was of course nothing but chilling.......

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A conversation I just dug up

I was cleaning up my Facebook mailbox and I stumbled upon this conversation that I had with Liz, my non-genetic little sis, before she went over to Singapore to study.

She was a naive little girl when I knew her, homeschooled most of her life, very well-protected, didn't really know much about the outside world. But she had a very strong character and very opinionated, which made it hard to work with her.

So upon her departure to Singapore, I burned her a CD with Train's hit song, "Drops of Jupiter" inside. A year after she went to Singapore, I asked her if she liked the song, she said she naturally didn't like it cuz it was rock. I smiled it off.

Last year, I bumped into her on Facebook (LONG LIVE FACEBOOK!), so here's our conversation:

7:42am Feb 28th
"Now tell me, did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the milky way and see the lights all faded, and heaven is overrated. Now tell me, did you fall for a shooting star? One without a permanent scar and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?"

Do you now get the meaning of me sending this song to you when you first went off to study?

12:54pm Mar 2nd
Yes i do!! It didn't make much sense back then, but looking back after four years of college.. I have to say it's been quite a journey and an eye-opening experience. I bet you felt almost the same way when u went to the States!

2:10am Mar 3rd
perhaps, but not as much as you, seeing the different environments we grew up in. it's always good to be around many people, u see u learn and u grow.So tell me, did you sail across the sun? ;)

2:07pm Mar 11th
Here's to you, big bro!

I sailed across the sun and made it to the Milky Way
And saw the lights all faded, stayed in heaven for a day
"Without scars there can be no stars", is what I heard them say
And missed you when I found myself.. back from the Milky Way

1:03am Mar 12th
Haha! GOOD ONE!!! I like that!!!

(thank god it made sense to her...)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Gay boy's finally gone

So, little gay boy Chen Han is finally gone!

We had a fun little gathering before he went off with his girlfriend.

No, he's not really gay, he just likes to act gay.

But yeah, u can imagine, we had a whole "gay fest" last night, that involves everyone in the house --- me, Jules, Mune --- and also someone worths a mention: Nick!!

Nick's always been so serious and shit, but couldn't help but yield at our gay act. So we simulated a whole bunch of crazy gang rape and BJ (using a beer bottle to be the replacement for a real cock), while Chen Han's girlfriend was standing right there watching speechlessly.

But it was fun to live with this dude, he's been a fun hang, and we wish him all the best in his doctorate studies oh and also getting out of his closet.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

My first iPod, wandering around Manhattan, Kitchen ware shopping

Finally, I bought the first iPod in my life, an 8 GB iPod Nano. It's a nice little machine that stores up to 2000 standard length songs. It should be a fun experience to use it, at least it doesn't react as slow as my busted Creative Zen Stone!

After Paranoid Android's rehearsal last night, I decided to go watch a movie in TriBeCa Film Fest at midnight. It was funny that I didn't check the address of the cinema and finally got lost on 23rd St. So I ended up walking around there and found out a couple of spots that I could never piece together: The Cutting Room, Baruch College and the New School area. Bought some halal food at a roadside stall, quite nice. Then I waited for Jules at the Citibank next to the station, the time was around 12.30am. Finally Jules came and we started to walk up to 42nd St. Didn't really do anything as it was very late and everything closed...

And today Jules and I went to buy some kitchen ware in Flushing cuz gay boy Chen Han is moving away back to his bitch. So we can't rely on his gear anymore, have to buy our own stuff --- which I'm glad in away, at least the rice cooker is like 2 or 3 times bigger. I also bought a hairdryer for moi long hair, haha!

Diu, for a moment I had a weird feeling that we look like a married couple shopping in the supermarket, hahahahaha!!!


Monday, April 28, 2008

There and back again...

Did some recordings, played a competition (that we shouldn't have joined), played a small performance, after that, Jules and I rushed over to Boston's bus terminal just on time to catch the last bus of the night --- thanks to Charlie's speedy and scary driving.

Half way through the journey, I was awaken by New York ---- no, not the place itself, but the smell. The toilet in the bus smelled worse than longkang! DIUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily we stopped by a McDonald's on the way and caught some fresh air outside for 10 minutes. And sure enough, the driver was aware of the smell, he turned on the aircond big enough to let go of the smell ----- until we physically got back to New York, the smell came back...

It was drizzling outside the window, both of us pulled up our hoods and walked through the quiet Chinatown, went over to the R station, waited for the train for like 20 minutes before we hopped on to the train. We started to diss the stupid people that we worked with during the long wait, and didn't stop until we got home. Dissing behind is fun sometimes, especially when you can't say things straight to people. But of course, make sure the person you talk to is someone you can trust...

Among them people that we dissed was one of the most amazing violinists we've ever met.

Jeremy's voice still resonates in my head: It's like, this guy needs to chill the fuck out...!

Haw haw!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

blah blah.......

Had my first rehearsal with Sirius today, damn fun! ... well, at least 100 times better than V4...

Ronnie is quite a crazy muthafucka, but is actually also a very nice person. Been hearing his name and his recordings with various big shots (including Tony Williams) throughout his careers. Glad to finally be able to play with him! Mike is a mutha on the cello of course, no doubt about that.

Tomorrow will be the next rehearsal.... let's see how I can hack that through, haha!!! no.... i actually practised the shit, so it should be fine.

* * * * * * * * *

Some people might feel weird seeing me putting the "love china" sign in front of my screen name of msn. But I mean why not? I want to see the Games to run smoothly and peacefully. I mean, I don't wanna act like I stand on whoever's side, but c'mon, Olympics game is a GAME, not a political arena, for god's sake just let it happen peacefully!

I mean, those of you who protest and shit, do you actually know what is happening in there? No? Then don't shout, because the truth might be very different from what you think.

Just let the Games happen smoothly!

(Some of you are probably gonna hate me for this, i don't give a fuck.)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Vuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Kenny Garrett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I watched two gigs tonight: the first one being Chris Speed's Yeah No in the Stone, and the second one was The Headhunters featuring Kenny Garrett in Iridum Jazz Club. Went to see both of them with Jules.

Well, as you can see, I'm very fond of the downtown scene, so the Stone was of course my idea, especially Cuong Vu was playing! The band was fuckin' explosive man. The songs they played were pretty accessible to the general public ---- more rock-oriented beats, pounding grooves... But that doesn't mean that it was bad though, to the contrary, it was great!! Some of you may think it's like some funk fusion shit, but no, it's not. It's more like noise/rock/avant-garde all bastarded together.

The line-up was Chris Speed on tenor, Cuong Vu on trumpet, Skuli Sverisson on bass, Ted Reichman on accordion, and Jim Black on drums.

It was so explosive, I guess thanks to Jim Black's intoxicating drumming. But of course, without Chris Speed and Cuong's beautiful melodic interplay, I don't think anything much will happen. One complain was Ted Reichman's accordion was most of the time drowned out by the others. Maybe plug in next time?

* * * * * * * * * *

After a quick bite near the Stone, we rushed over to Iridium to check out The Headhunters' last show in NY.

Kenny Garrett was just great, I dunno what else to say.

And the pianist, Geri Allen also, shit, fuckin' burning man!! Seldom see ladies playing in jazz clubs, but when they do, they usually burn your motherfucking ass.

After the show, we managed to talk to Kenny. I mean Jules went to see the show 2 nights ago, so Kenny already knew him and spotted him on the stage. I went up to say hi to him in Mandarin, he was surprised and then he took my card and said he will give me a call to practise his Mandarin. NOW HOW COOL IS THAT?!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

Here's a pic of Kenny on fire...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Random stuff

I find that I'm a pretty greedy person, I guess if I have loads of money, I might finish spending it in no time. The reason I said that is because I always like to borrow loads of DVDs and CDs in the library. Now you see, CDs are fine, usually I just rip them into my computer and I can return them; but DVDs are a problem, they need you to sit down, spend time and watch them before you can return them. Otherwise you have to copy them, but copying a DVD and copy it nicely literally takes an hour to do so.

I have to say I am pretty busy most of the time, no time to sit down and watch them, so naturally the items will be overdue without me realizing it ---- some DVDs from Queens Library are 3-day loans. Then what? Pay the late fees! And Queens Library has such high late fees it scares the shit out of me.

A good example was yesterday, when I returned four DVDs, they charged me $24 bucks for 2/3 days overdue!!!!

So I'd better becareful with this issue next time, no point wasting money that way...

* * * * * * * *

I feel very lucky that the members of Sirius String Quartet approached me to play their concert in May 8th in The Flea Theater. It will be their CD release performance, featuring one of the violinists, Gregor Hübner's music. Also featured are 2 pieces by my friend, the cellist, Mike Block.

I'm glad that I finally get to play in such a quartet with amazing players who have similar (if not same) musical interests as me, while testing their instruments limits. I was practising this one thing in Gregor's piece today ---- there is one whole movement of slurred repeated notes that has to be played with different left hand fingers on each, so in the end, it visually looks like a pipa player or something, very cool, though it's a bitch to practise. I got through it sooner than I thought because I realised I was toying with this unconventional technique since I was pretty young ---- dunno why, I just liked to fuck around with my violin.

Anyways.... kind of an update.... for myself maybe, dunno.... ciao ciao...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My buddy leavin'

Chen Han, u muthafucka!! You're leavin' all of us and go back to your old nest Rochester!!

Our next meal and beers will be YOUR TREAT as a punishment, motherfucker!!

But it's been fun living as roommates with you, your easy-going personality makes people feel easy to be around you. Late-night PS2 sessions man, those are some memorable moments!

Hope you have fun with your DMA programme... oh and, please don't burn your apartment again...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Being a musician's body double

i dunno how often this shit happens, but it certainly happened to me today.

i became chris' body double in a rehearsal for this thursday's gig.

jules said i should chill out because he did that shit before too, i dunno how true is that.

i mean, learning music for a person and he'll play the gig doesn't make so much sense to me.

but whatever... we'll see what would this become...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Rozemary'z Babiez... Franck...

So, we the Babiez finally did our debut in Studio A.I.R.!

Audience's (very small) reactions were very good and they said they could feel our shit. I was happy about it!

But I felt that mapping out the piece was kinda stiff for me, because there wasn't much freedom involved. My idea of making the music "elastic" (sounding different every time) obviously didn't work out for the other two Babiez.


Sunday (April 6) finally came, the tribute concert to Mr Kouguell was finally happening!

Nick was still gloomy in the morning when he came to get his music. He's been scary ever since we started to rehearse the shit. To tell the truth he scared the shit outta my friends. He didn't scold anyone, but just by looking at him was scary enough...

Mozart Dissonance was kinda shitty, Chen Han was toooo nervous that he kept on fucking up his part in every single movement! We all felt like shit after we played it. But I can't blame that guy, he's tried his best, and he was a last minute replacement. Respect!

Luckily my Franck Sonata was good (at least, I thought so). I dunno why I could bring out all my musicality in that one. I still couldn't get out of that emotion after I played it. It was some powerful, almost religious shit! I felt really drained after that...

The Vaughn Williams was nothing much to shout about, but it was nice... (at one point I went blank and forgot to come in, Chen Han was cold-sweating...)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dick bouncer in Union Hall

I've been to Union Hall to watch my friend Max's gig before. It was kinda noisy in there, so when I needed to make a phone call, I went out of the joint to do it. While calling in front of Union Hall, the big black fuckin' bouncer came over and asked me to go call somewhere else. I was kinda surprised, so I asked him what's wrong. He said I can't make a phone call in front of the building.

I was like "WTF?!" so I said, "Why not?" He gave me the most ridiculous answer, "There are people living across the street."

Motherfucker! Do I talk that loud to wake people up?! Plus, hey, it's Union Hall, everybody goes there for gigs, do you think that place will be any quiet? God's sake man, even the cars on the streets are noisier than a talking voice!

I went to Union Hall again just now, trying to catch my friend Charlie's CD release party. Fuckin' bouncer asked for ID from me. So I showed him my old work authorization card with my photo and birth date on it. Note that this card got me into any bars and clubs in New York.

The bouncer pointed his torch light to my card, I pointed out the birth date for him. He said, "No, I'm looking at this," pointing at the expiry dead. "It's expired, can't let you in."

I was like, "WTF?!!!"

My friend Anthony said he forgot his ID, but told him that he is 36 years old, which he really looks, the fuckin' bouncer didn't buy it either. He said, "Strict rules guys, no ID, expired ID, cannot get in!"

Expired ID cannot get in?! It's not a fake ID though! Expired ID doesn't mean that the birth date on the card is expired, does it?!

Holy shit, I turned and left the fucking place.

Whatever event in the future I don't care man, but I definitely WON'T go back to that shithole!

Remember guys: Don't go to Union Hall!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


You see people are fuckin' stupid most of the time.

Mr T and Mr C are enemies. One day, Mr T punched Mr C's face, Mr C felt pain of course he protect himself by grabbing Mr T's arms and pressed him to the ground to prevent him hitting him again. While Mr T was on the ground, he scratched his face too and his arms were bruised.

Now when people came over and asked what's going, they saw Mr C pressing Mr T on the ground and didn't let him get up. And they started to suspect that Mr C was attacking Mr T first. Mr C explained, but Mr T was on the ground moaning, yelling and crying saying how painful he felt. The people around started to give compassion to Mr T and accuse Mr C for pressing Mr T on the ground.

The fact was, Mr C was trying to throw a party for his birthday, and Mr T wanted to ruin his plan by fighting with him in front of people to show the bad image of Mr C, so that people won't go to his party.

When Mr T struggled and escaped Mr C's pressing, he continued hitting Mr C and people around him saw it as a "strike-back under surpression". Mr C, of course, wouldn't give up, he started to hit Mr T back. Now there came some hipocrites from the church and gangsters who think they run the village, criticizing Mr C's violence towards Mr T.

Their words further turned the whole village against Mr C while Mr T was the real person who started this fight. Some villagers started to boycott Mr C's upcoming party because of the "bad image" he had shown...


Friday, March 21, 2008

What's the deal...




Shit, I wanna play some seriously good pop gigs man.

You know, shit like David Tao? This mutha makes good music and is very serious about it. I admire his works.

But shit, it's always some stupid ass violinists that play his shit.

Shit, I wanna play it too...

But maybe first things' first, let me reduce my belly size first... :P

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I dunno why man, all the great figures in arts and culture are dying one by one...

There were two other casualties yesterday.

1. Anthony Mighella, who directed The English Patient, The Talented Mr Ripley, and Cold Mountain, passed away at the age of 54.

2. Arthur C. Clarke, 90, passed away in his Sri Lanka home. This man needs no introduction, he wrote all the greatest of sci-fi novels, which includes 2001: A Space Oddysey, Rendezvous with Rama and many more.

Rest in Peace.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

More random shit...

Went to see Chris Howes' gig today, happy to see him play again since last September. The band was a fantastic combination of great musicians ---- Chris himself, Oli Rockberger on keys, Janek Gwizdala on bass, Joel Rosenplatt on drums and Joel Newton on guitar. Amazing playing the whole night through.

Funny thing was Jules and I saw this little Japanese chick walking in like an excited little jazz fan from NYU. During the break, Jules asked me if she was Hiromi the pianist. I said, "Nah, can't be lah. She might look like her but Hiromi must be a very busy person to check out gigs." But then we overheard Chris calling her "Hiromi". We looked at each other: Wei, it's really her!

So after the show, I went up and asked a stupid question,"Excuse me, are you Hiromi?" She looked at me surprised, "Yes..." I asked again, "The Hiromi?" She said, looking at me more puzzled, "Yes..." So we started to introduce ourselves and told her how much we admire her playing and shit. That was some funny experience. She said she came to Malaysia before ------- when she was 17.

cheh... it was a school trip...

Came home, had a fight with sis over the phone cuz I made a very bad joke. I apologised to her but she didn't let me just get away with it... sigh... She started to blame NY and my friends here for transforming me into something so indecent and low-class and immoral.......

It's hard to be yourself in front of your own family I guess... Yeah I know my joke was too over-the-top but I dunno what else can I do other than saying sorry to her....

Duh... Guess won't have a good sleep tonight...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Random shit

Hiro gave me a surprise call today (I never gave him my number), telling me that he thought he saw my keys in the library's lost-and-found. After hearing his description, I was sure that it was mine. I was on my way to QC to meet up with Charlie anyway, so I picked it up in the library. I was pretty glad that I found it back because the talisman that Mune got for me was there.

The musical rehearsal today was fun. I love cuts! The more the better! It makes everything so much shorter and easier!

It's fun to play with Meesh and Charlie because both are terrific musicians. The funk was sooooooo funky. Of course, Andrea took the tempo faster today. Some of the students really can't sing at all though. sigh...

Oh man... i dunno why am i so tired today... what the fuck did i do anyway? just a stinkin' rehearsal? no way...

I missed Rudresh's show today because I was too tired and hungry, plus the fuckin' rehearsal only ends at 9pm!!

I dunno man, I'm starting to have the crave to write music again. Maybe it's about time. I just wrote a tune that day, called 6 Months (or maybe i will call it The 6th Month, I dunno yet). Finally, after half a year, I'm writing again.

Also I wanna start writing shit for Rosemary's Babies (Brian doesn't seem to like this name), more shit. I'm thinking of some pre-composed themes that's blended into our improv.

We'll see how it goes...

Shit... I feel like shit whenever I sit down... New York is a dark chamber full of lonely people squeezing to each other... We're all very close, and yet very far...

That's New York for you, despite all the superficial glamour that people admire from far...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

A few words to Meesh

Hey friend, listen: we will finish the shit, no matter what.

As the old book says, close every door behind you. We started somethin', we finish it. We don't leave anything hangin'.

I know you will finish it somehow, but don't get all upset and shit. Shit happens sometimes.

Like last year during the summer, I really felt like everything was falling apart. My visa situation, my money running low, gigs didn't knock on my door, etc...

But hey, I walked through it in one piece! That's all that matters.

So now, if you walked through your situation and shittiness right now in one piece, a better time will come and I can guarantee you that you can get your shit done.

I'm listening to Mediterraneo. Damn it sounds great, I think it's my favourite song by you.

Let's think of something. Let's play some.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The thing with chicks

Yeah I really think I have a problem with chicks man, I dunno why.

Every time I see a chick that I think I like, they'd never get back to me. NEVER.

Whenever I tried to ask them to keep in touch, they never do ---- even though I wrote them.

But you know, whatever. What's new since high school? Nothing.

All my ex-gfs are weirdos anyway.

Guess I'm gonna be single my whole life...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Of Oistrakh and Men...

The biggest difference between David Oistrakh and the pitiful mortal violinists is ---- he has a real heart.

I was watching four different versions of Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto: Akiko Suwanai, Perlman, Midori and Oistrakh.

Suwanai was clean, very clean, but I couldn't feel no music from her. It sounded very plain from her, like a glass of water, nothing more. And she won the Tchaikovsky competition --- that shows you how people appreciate music these days.

Perlman, you can hear some music from him, but he's just easy going with some of the passages, not detailed enough.

Midori, very emotional, but I only felt the fire in her and not much of other things. I was touched in a certain parts, but in the more tender parts, it didn't feel so deep.

Oistrakh, King David, the God, even just by listening to the opening phrase of the first theme, you'd know that he is the one! I dunno how he did it, but he just did it! It's really something amazing. See, of all the videos, Oistrakh's video is oldest black-and-white clip. But for some reason, his violin sound just penetrates through the muffled old recording sound and sounded like a modern recording!

You see the difference between Oistrakh and the usual mortal men? I think I did.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funk Buddha gig in Zebulon

I thought I was lost after getting off from the subway.

Walking along Metropolitan Ave in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, looking for Zebulon Cafe, it was really cold because wind was blowing so strong it almost shrunk my balls.

When I finally got to Zebulon, only the percussionist Vivian was there. We waited there for one hour (show hits at 10pm), watching Akira Kurosawa's Dreams juxtaposing with Brazillian music played from the PA system. Akim and others came a little later after that.

When we finally hit, I told the drummer I would start off with the riff of Name Wee's "King of Daoban". I was listening to that song on the way, so I thought it would be fun to start off with that --- it's also a rap song anyway.

It was a fun night, which Akim regarded as "rehearsal". It was the usual spontaneous style that Akim is used to, only even freer this time. It was fun!

Peter Lew wasn't there, so there weren't any harmony or anything, and I became the "chordal instrument", playing all the riffs and maintain the simple harmonic progressions that I created on the spot. My delay pedals were a great help, I could do so much more colours with it!

I did some "conversations" with a couple of the performers and guests, exchanging licks and stuff.

The great thing was Pete List was back in the group. Man, I'd say he's my favourite beatboxer to date, because of the crisp sound, snappy beats and his unhumanly sound effects.

At one point of the show, I actually went crazy and started to play Jacko's "Smooth Criminal" riff, the crowd went crazy, we weren't any better. It was the climax of the show.

Ever since my last time playing with Akim (the LaMama theatrical run), I finally found a very balanced way of working with him. I sort of got his pacing of things, and I now know where and when I should play more or play less. I think that's why tonight's show totally rocked out!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Recording with Tony Sanchez

Michelle gave me an SMS in the morning when I almost woke up, saying, "I think you will like the drummer."

OK, I thought, whatever. I trust her judgement.

So I packed up my shit, Brandon came pick me up, and we hit straight to Kampo Studios on Bond Street.

Found the place, got buzzed in, took the elevator up. Door opened, and we saw Michelle and this muscle guy sitting on the couch ---- Antonio Sanchez.

He's really cool, chilling with everybody else like he's just another person, doesn't act all diva and shit.

After a looooooooong setup, we finally hit. Man, this guy is so stable that everything he plays in the studio seems usable for a recording!

With him playing there and Yoshi laying down the bass in Mediterraneo, it felt like I suddenly know the tune for real! I always thought I knew the music better than anyone, but then there were still some uncertainty rhythmically. But once these two motherfuckers came in and play, everything was crystal clear and I actually understood how the music worked!

That was quite a session, I learned a lot...

Miles 2nd 5tet


I got myself a whole box set of 6 CDs of Miles Davis' 2nd quintet!!!!!!!!

I played for Mike M's benefit show. Since it was a benefit, he couldn't pay us too much, so he decided to get us some CDs that we want from his friend who works in BMG, who has access to so many promotional copies (over 10,000 titles in the catalogue).

Mike said, "Go crazy, choose something you really like but too expensive to buy!"

Fuck yeah, so I chose Miles 2nd 5tet box set that I wanted for sooooo long. Then I asked Jules if he wants something, he chose Miles and Trane's complete Columbia sessions. I went back to Mike and asked him if I could get one more, he said sure go ahead! So that's how Jules got his new baby for free!

But hell, I didn't know when Mike said, "Go crazy", he really meant it. When I looked at Jesse's selections, I almost killed myself! Shit, that motherfucker got SOOO MANY BOX SETS!! Including AC/DC's complete box set, Clash, some Bob Dylan shit and some more I dunno what!

Bummer. Too late.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pop sickness

So... everybody is catching a cold... kinda cool... nobody is a social outcast, haha!

I'm also one of them...

So fuckin' tired... woke up one morning and totally felt like shit but still had to go for two gigs.

Now I'm not that tired, but starting to have bad sore throat and blocking nose --- GREAT!

Always feel the worst in the mornings when I'm having this kinda problem, phlegm and heavy coughing and shit...


Got this sickness from my colleagues in Westchester Chamber, thanks to them, I'm now not a social outcast. :)

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Vox 4 played with Lonnie Smith in the studio today!!

Oh for those of you who don't know, Vox 4 is my new band, or if you wanna be more specific, it's a string quartet.

Haruka went to see him performing the other day, and talked to him. He said he wanted to listen to us, so we set up a session with him today and played for him.

He liked how we sounded and started to jam with us together with his drummer and guitarist.

Man, that cheese-fest by DBR that we played became great music all of a sudden!

Then he started to teach us some of his tunes and we picked it up by ears (he doesn't read and write music). We had a great time figuring out our own parts in the music, just improvising along, but you don't feel pointless or time-wasting when you do it ---- as sometimes bad execution of such method could lead to ultimate boredom --- you just... feel good! It made me recall what Justin DiCioccio always said to us in Mancini, "Playin' music's suppose to feel good!" True to the max.

Doc doesn't read or write music at all, but his mind is nothing less than a sophisticated composer. He hears everything in his head and he would tell you verbally what to do with your part. He also told us that using our pair of ears is actually even better than reading the charts, cuz you fully understand your part. I can totally relate to that because I am more an ear-user since young, than a music-reader, never really worked for me, even though I read pretty well in orchestras. (And maybe that's why I picked up jazz easier than most other peers)

Doc is funny as hell and such a wise old man. He would crack jokes anytime and make you laugh like a motherfucker. Like, he would point at his guitarist and tell us, "I don't like this guy, never did." And we started to laugh right? Then he said, "I say, when you don't like somebody, you just tell him straight," after a short pause, he said, "Cuz nobody will believe you anyway." Dude, we just laughed harder!

He's like a grown up kid, having fun all the time, with every little thing around him, even more so with his organ. Damn he would just shred like a motherfucker on the keys so intensely, but you could only see him smiling and singing along when he played. He never shows you how hard it is to command and instrument, because it is beside the point. He said, "Whatever you play, it should come out straight from your heart, otherwise, however many notes you play doesn't matter at all." He said he was impressed with our ability to pick up things with ears, especially we're classically trained string players. "You're usually told, 'Hey! You missed one note there!' But that's where exactly you start from and learn!" He said when the music comes out from your heart, what does it matter if you missed a note?

Then he started to show us lots of shit on his organ, crazy shit that we hear from his recordings and videos. But he said, that's just what he felt right then, not something mathematical nor intellectual. He also told us some stories of how he started and his first gigs with George Benson.

I tell you, this guy knows more about life and music than anyone.

He wants to see us again before he went back to Florida on the 19th. I guess we'll set up two more sessions with him.

Speaking of Florida, he said we can go down to his place there anytime we want and play all day and relax. Oh Lonnie!

See who's got da room??!!

I called the landlord this morning, he told me JULES CAN STAY IN THE ROOM!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

good for u Jules!!!

by the way... I bought a set of speakers for my PC today, Altec Lansing VS2421, damn fuckin' nice sound man!! It only costs me 54 bucks about 10 bucks more than Nick's double speaker set of the same brand (mine got woofer!!)

so... tomorrow Vox 4 will be playing for Lonnie Smith, the Hammond B3 legend...

see what happens...

the group is still in its infancy, and still too much classical sound in there from some of the members... have to work... I hope Seth would pick up some solid bass playing on his cello instead of just some flamboyant and flashy technique. Cuz without the basics, it doesn't matter however fancy your playing is.

Well, I hope if one of you guys bumped into my blog, you won't take offense reading these comments, no ill intentions. By the way... can we not play them DBR pieces anymore? they're real cheesy...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

My gig with Mike M...

so i did my shit with Mike again...

ok lah... i liked the first gig better...

i mean... i dunno, maybe because Jesse wasn't there...

i mean, Mike's a good songwriter lah, but his guitar playing (not to mention singing) kinda sucks...

i tried to use a loop station in one of his songs also, that's for the first time i use it in my life. the guitarist let me used his newly purchased looping gear, didn't work so well in the beginning, but afterwards it got alright, almost reaching my expectation...

whatever lah, a gig is a gig! :P

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Outside Heath Ledger's apartment

No, I'm no fan of Heath Ledger's.

But I happened to walk by his street and saw a whole bunch of TV station cars parking on the roadside. So I went over out of curiosity, and saw a bunch of people surrounding a news reporter from Channel 7 from Australia that was doing a real time announcement.

His photo was on the wall besides the building door, with a huge Aussie national flag below.

28... just 28...

What would a person dream of when he is 28?

A career? He had quite a great one. A kid or two? He had one.



(guess I have to watch Brokeback Mountain now, haha!)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Waiting for Jules

I'm sitting here in the living right now, 12:54am, just finished watching a DVD.

It's a fairly new film by Luc Besson, called Angel-A.

So my buddy Jules is comin' and I'm so very excited. I still remember the crazy laughter we had that lasted for 3 hours non-stop. I can't believe that I'm getting it soon ---- HERE IN NEW YORK!

Yeah, man, I'm sure he's as excited as me, maybe not because of the laughter (he carries it like a disease anyway), but because of New York and Jazz.

Yes Jules, when you're reading this, you're already in my pad, probably ready to go out for some sightseeing or ready to crash. Whatever it is, I assure you, it will be an exciting new life for you --- learning new things, meeting new people, and who knows? Maybe get a chick or something.

And all you homies out there who are reading this, please don't worry, the fat ass is in good hands, I won't torture him. I don't ask for much you know? Cooking a three-course meal for me everyday and cleaning my room up before 12pm everyday should be good...


Thursday, January 03, 2008


Hari terakhirnya di Bandaraya New York

Di suatu warung kopi

Bertemulah mereka

Entah bila cinta memenuhi hati

Tapi hanyalah dari seorang

Gadis hanya nak jadi kawan

Sampai hari ini lagi laki-laki tidak faham

Ah, kisah apa lagi?

Cerita ini sudah tamat

Jadi berpeluklah mereka di stesen keretapi

Nyanyian si bujang bukan merdu

Tapi jelas terdengar si gadis

"Biar musim sejuk, musim bunga, musim panas atau musim luruh
Telefon lah saja kalau nak
Aku akan berada di sana untukmu
Kawanlah aku untukmu"

Termerah mata si gadis

Ia memeluk si bujang sekali lagi

Sambil mencium bibirnya

Sampai sinilah ceritanya si bujang

Tiada apa-apa lagi

(p/s: shit, my Malay sucks!!!)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I Am Legend

The last man on earth was walking on the empty streets of Times Square...

He remembered that fateful day of the final evacutation...

Cops were everywhere, ready to action...

Just kidding... Happy New Year...