Tuesday, December 25, 2007









Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas/New Year...


christmas...new year...hanukkah...

all the same season...almost back to back...

what have i achieved this year nigga?

oh, i went home twice this year, one time for my chinese new year since i came to yankeeland, and another time is my first time people flew me back home to perform...

i played multiple times in malaysian jazz clubs, having my own show, which was something that i dreamt of...

managed to survive the cruel summer, though it's by escaping home...

managed to get my artist visa...

managed to play with some of the best jazz musicians...

getting joget jazz together with nicholas my buddy...


where's the girl part?

i dunno...

hey AM, u listening to me?

i'm calling out for you!

i know you don't hear me, but i will keep on calling!

merry christmas and happy new year...

Friday, December 21, 2007

That old man in the movie theatre...

Show's over, lights were on...

He yelled at me from behind, "Where do you play? Are you in school or performing?"

Told him I'm a freelancer and I play everywhere.

He said, "I'm a keyboard player, that's why I asked,"

"You a union member?"


"It's tough isn't it?"

Yes, but it's alright.

"The best part is there are only 4000 of us and 1000 jobs for all of us."

The challenege is the fun part though.

"Not until you're 60."

I saw his bags and untidy feature, realised he was a homeless.

"Enjoy your challenege all you want for now, but you'll see what would happen to you when you're my age."

Yeah, thank you very much.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Like an action thriller...

Sometimes the life of freelancing does not only involve yourself but other people too. It involves people around you as well.

For example: You will need to make full use of your own network of friends and people when you're in seriously urgent needs.

I took a last minute gig the other day to play for a church on Sunday (yesterday) and was supposed to rush over to Bitter End to play a singer/songwriter gig.

To my horror, in the last half hour before I left my house to go to 74 St station to meet up my contact person Leo, I found out that I had to take a 7.34pm train to go to Grand Central after the gig and I had to spend 1 and a half hours on the train which is just UNACCEPTABLE!

Now what?

I started to call my housemate Chen Han, who happened to be in Flushing hanging with his buddy that time. "Dude uh...can you come back right now?"

He said, "W..what's goin' on??"

I went, "I need you to sub for me right now."

So he actually took the first subway train he could catch to rush back home. I could actually see him running outside the window. I went downstairs to open the doors for him, and he ran up and changed his clothes without even closing his door (kinda funny). Grabbed his violin and music stand and ran downstairs to the subway station.

I said, "I will give you the contact's number but now run! I will call you on the train!"

So he did, and I gave him Leo's number while he's on the subway.

Finally after a while, he called back, saying that "I'm in."

Damn, everything happened in less than 30 minutes. It's so fast it felt like an action thriller!

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Finally got home from Akim's gig...

It was a crazy party in a loft. It's divided into three sections with different vibe in each of them. We played in the main space, a DJ took over us after we were done playing 45 minutes. Mostly improv tonight, except the last song. It was fun.

I guess I'm luckier than most of my friends who spend their whole time digging dead composers' graves, cuz I get to see crazy shit like this in a regular basis. But of course, what other people would have privilege to have, I don't have, eg. a relationship.

It was kinda drizzling outside, I was walking alone, a gentle flow of alcohol still in my veins.

Walking down from the train station, Colombian vendors have already started selling milk with rice. A new day is dawning, and I just got home.




6am, I'm still awake on my bed...

Friday, November 30, 2007

How to be a "Master"? (viva Brad Mehldau)

"The ever shorter and shorter life span of each trend perpetuates a sentiment that's characteristic of some of our jazz critics these days: a fetishistic obsession with "Masters." To be a Master you must do one or more of the following: A.) Imply, with the help of Yes-Men, that you are nothing short of a Messiah; B.) Rise from prolonged, unexplainable obscurity; C.) Have a good portion of your work recorded before 1965; D.) Die."

--- Brad Mehlday
line notes to Elegiac Cycle

Thursday, November 29, 2007

South Park... yes...

Ladies and fellas, yes...I know... I promised in my last blog that I will post some pictures of South Park "tomorrow", but it's been delayed and delayed again because of weather and of course, my schedule.

So now, here we go... a picture... and a video...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

So what have I been doing...?

I'm not in New York now, some of my friends would know it.

I'm in South Park, and I'm not kidding. I AM in South Park, in Morgantown, West Virginia. OK, if you don't believe me, I will take a picture tomorrow and show you.

I came here to play with my buddy Yew Choong, who has a severe hearing problem. When he's wearing a hearing aid, he still has to look at your lips so that he could figure out what you're talking about. Which means, he could hear your voice, but couldn't hear your diction.

And yet, this chap is finishing up his DMA and piano performance here. He won my utmost respect. So I agreed to play for him right after he asked me.

We chose one of the hardest of all piano literature --- Cesar Franck's Sonata for Violin and Piano.

We've been practising many times now. And in the same time, non-stop makan (eating) with our fellow Malaysians who study here --- this place is full of Malaysians (and also Indonesians and Thais...and...not to mention, Koreans [di mana-mana pun ada]).

Morgantown is a peaceful little town where you don't really have much to do. The "downtown" here is small it's so cute. A very sleepy place --- just the place for a New York person like me to calm down and recharge my energy.

Oh, nearly forgot to mention! Yew Choong and I played badminton yesterday!

That was a short game, but we had great fun.

It's pretty easy to satisfy a Malaysian huh? Food + badminton. Haha...

To All The Hipocrites in the World...

If you wanna say "shoot"
Say "shit"
If you wanna say "gosh"
Say "God"
If you wanna say "freak"
Just say "fuck"

What is so hard?

You mean the same anyway.

Intention is the essence.

If you don't intend to curse, don't say it altogether.

"Shoot", "F", "Freak", "Gosh"...

What the fuck?

Say "Shit"... Say "Fuck"... Say "God"!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Finally...something that I find very interesting to write about and it motivates me to move my fingers.

See, I've been working on this stupid work by this composer from the Midwest.

There's ONE particular part that's sooooo difficult and didn't sound good AT ALL. It's a whole bunch of triplets in semiquaver (16th Notes to some of you) for four fucking pages.

We're so mad that we decided to burn the motherfucking piece after we played it.

And guess what? We did it! :)

Pictures provided... See below...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Be The Best!"

One day I was transferring from the E train to the D train at the 7th Avenue station.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard this sick drumming underneath.

A black guy was burning it below the staircase, sweating like mad, people were bobbing their heads and smiling while he plays, dollar bills kept on adding up in the tip bucket.

The B train came, the crowd went off, leaving behind waiting for my D train. The drummer finally stopped and checked his tip bucket.

"I wanna stop, but they won't let me!" he talked to me.

I said, "Cuz you bad man."

"I know!" he replied with full confidence.

So I asked him, "So where else do you play man?"

He said, "Oh, let's see... Miami Beach, South Carolina, Philadelphia..." he named a few big places. I looked at him, obviously with a ray disbelief. He then told me, "I tour around with Anita Baker man, you know her?"

I was thinking to myself, "No fuckin' way!", answering, "Yeah of course! Wow!"

Then he said, "Yeah man, I'm not those little subway musicians, this is my practice session, ah (I) been doin' this for 8 years or so now, practicing in the subway."

So I asked him if he plays around the City a lot, he said, "Nah man, I don't play no small clubs man. Payin' me 300 bucks and wantin' me to play 5 hours man? That's ridiculous! I get the same rate touring working less hours!" Then he looked at my violin on my back, "So what do you play? A trumpet?"

I said, "No, it's a violin." Right then, D train arrived at the station, so I said bye to him and walked over to the train.

He said, "Whatever it is (you play), practice! Be the best!"

I turned my head back and answered, "OK man! Will do!"

He yelled once again before the train doors closed, "BE THE BEST!"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


他拿著手提袋, 在街上又驚恐又歡喜的亂逛.

都怪自己多手! 要不然就不會這樣了?


趙沙在路邊無意中看到一個被棄置的手提袋, 好奇心的驅使下把它打開, 沒想裡面裝的不是錢不是毒品不是性玩具, 竟然是好大一把手槍! 當時他還真不知道到底要大叫還是大笑, 即興奮又焦急.

一把槍, 能夠做甚麼用呢?

槍的用途本來就不廣, 不是傷人就是殺人.

有了一把槍, 能夠做甚麼呢?

傷人, 要傷誰? 殺人, 又要殺誰呢?

他就這樣子胡思亂想著, 不停在街上亂鑽.

他打算讓自己冷靜下來, 便撥了個電話給小美, 一個他心儀了很久的女孩. 對方似乎也對他挺有興趣, 常常會接受他的邀請一起出去吃飯看電影. 每當跟她在一起, 心裡總是特別的踏實. 他打算去找她聊聊天, 也決定不把槍的事情告訴她.

在小美家的客廳裡, 他邊啜著咖啡邊跟小美東聊西聊, 雖然不著邊際可是卻還是很平靜.

"今晚一起吃個晚飯嗎?" 趙沙想了很就問道.


"哦..." 他也不再說甚麼.

約一個小時後, 趙沙踏出了小美的公寓門口. 這時在門外迎面來了一個洋人, 他也不以為意, 繼續往前走. 只聽見身後洋人在按某家門鈴, 然後是開門聲, 然後是女孩的聲音說道:"Hi...I've been waiting for so long...where have you been?"


趙沙掉回頭, 看到他們手拉著手進了公寓, 關上了門. 他走近小美的門口, 依稀聽到放浪的調笑聲.



小美大概過了一分鐘才過來開門, 非常肯定他們不是普通關係.

小美見到是趙沙, 神情呆了一下:"阿沙,有...有甚麼事嗎? 我在忙著呢..."

趙沙心裡冷笑了一下, 你們當然忙得很! 嘴上卻說:"忘了些東西要拿."

小美問:"忘了甚麼? 我來幫你找找."

"不用了, 我自己來, 你忙你的."

"嗯...還是我來找吧, 現在不大方便---"

不等小美解釋完, 趙沙已經挨身進了公寓裡.

"Mei! What is it? Who's there?" 洋人在房裡面問.

趙沙隨聲跟了進去, 小美在跟後面不知如何是好. 只見洋人光了上身只剩下內褲坐在床上.

趙沙又氣又恨又是傷心, 袋子一打開就把槍亮出了來. 沒等洋人反應過來, 子彈已經穿過他喉嚨, 想叫也叫不出來了, 只聽到喉嚨的彈孔中發出"呵...呵...呵..."的漏氣聲.

小美哪裡還趕多等? 轉了身子就跑.

砰! 又是一槍, 子彈穿過她的如雲秀髮, 正中她後腦, 當下撲倒在地, 只有手腳輕輕在抽動.

洋人痛得直在房裡跌跌撞撞, 弄得牆上,床上,地上, 全是鮮血, 雙眼圓睜, 表情可怖, 趙沙看了心裡也直發毛. 定了定神, 他往洋人私處又開了一槍. 洋人痛得想大叫卻叫不出來, 只能夠在地上舞動手腳拼命掙扎.

趙沙不想再看下去, 把槍指到他額頭上補了一槍. 洋人終於靜了下來.

開了四槍, 鄰人哪有聽不見之理? 趙沙急急忙忙的離開了公寓, 逃了個不知去向.


日本人有一個說法, 說如果讓一個人看到鑄造極為精美的日本武士刀, 他會萌起用刀殺人的念頭.

對趙沙來說, 這個說法的並不止於日本刀. 他自認為這把槍找到了存在的意義與價值, 認為自己是這把槍的伯樂.

他發現槍後的一個月裡面, 城裡發生了快十宗的女郎被射殺案件.

當然, 這正是這把槍目前存在的意義.

這些女孩曾經都把自己給拒絕了, 而且男友都是洋人.

犯案特徵如此明顯, 自然就是警方求之不得的事情.

這一天, 他站在某公寓走廊上, 望著站在另一頭用槍指著他叫他把槍放下的警察. 他剛又殺了一個女孩.

警察說甚麼他似乎沒有聽到, 或許是不感興趣. 因為他下一秒已經把警察給解決了, 然後想爬窗往外逃.

不爬可能沒事. 當他兩手抓牢窗外的水管時, 只聽到七層樓下面有人用擴音筒對他叫到:"事情已經完了! 乖乖下來就擒吧!"

趙沙冷笑了一下, 一隻手把槍對著地面狂開. 地面的警察亂成一團.

正當他享受那陣快感的時候...只覺得頭頂像被雷電轟到一樣, 狂震了一下... 接著眼前一片模糊, 流到口裡的, 原來是血...

他抬頭一看, 原來是剛才被自己打中的警察沒死, 從窗戶裡往他頭上開了一槍.

他就這樣飄到地面上, 悶响聲中, 腦花四濺. 趙沙全身骨骼都碎了, 可是手上還緊緊握著槍. 聽說醫院的人費盡了力氣怎麼扳也扳不開他的手指, 之後只好把連人帶槍葬了.

一把槍, 能做甚麼呢?

槍的用途不廣, 不外是傷人或殺人.


如果對方有槍的話, 你說, 他又會用它來做甚麼呢?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

我一個人在街上穿梭, 大雨亂灑在人擠人的街道上.

這裡是狹窄髒亂吵鬧冷漠的紐約市, 我每天奔走在這麼一個空間裡 --- 有時候是為了看一場電影或演奏, 更常是奔跑於排練之間.

有時候覺得自己是個會行走的俑, 每日面無表情的坐在地鐵上, 雙眼呆滯的望向前方, 不管時間有多緊迫都一樣.

人與人之間的距離, 形體上很近, 心靈上卻很遠.

有人問我, 為甚麼我那麼難找到一個人在身邊. 我想, 這並不由得我, 更不是說要找一個她就會有. 被拒絕幾乎成了慣性動作, 那種被拒絕時類似被人掌了一嘴的感覺也不記得了.

於是不讓人拒絕我成了一種習慣. 方法就是先拒絕別人, 不再上前去認識人 --- 反正人家也不會主動來認識你, 何必自討沒趣? 認識的話也就打個招呼了事, 因為幾乎可以預言如果深一層認識的下場.

這樣反而少了心傷的機率, 同時心也安定了下來.

當然, 這樣不免把我開始變成一個會走路的俑. 每天穿梭在人群之間, 自走自的路, 沒有人注意你, 你也不注意別人.

當看到讓自己心動的人, 就預先告訴自己判斷錯誤, 要不就說服自己她早有對象(而每次也確實是這樣).

俑, 只有自己的世界, 別人看到的只不過是呆呆的一尊泥塑, 背後的故事沒有人會多費心思去考究. 沒用的東西, 不小心被砸爛了也不會改變甚麼.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Now I really dunno what I did to deserve this session.

I was called by Randy Brecker's wife, Ada Rovatti to do a reading session on Saturday. The call was made on Friday.

Of course, I was panicked like fuck. Why? Because the name of the players in the band freaked me out.

Janek Gwizdala on bass. George Colligan on keyboard.

OK, I have to confess that I didn't know who George was, until Chris Howes told me how much he would love to do that session (he wasn't free) because George was playing. And yeah, he's really a motherfucker. And I just googled him...fuck...I can't finish counting all them great players he's playing with! Buster Williams, Mingus Dynasty, Mingus Big Band, Miguel Zenon, Gene Jackson, Ralph Alessi, Christian McBride, Billy Hart, Don Byron.......not to mention that he's also a drummer...

Janek Gwizdala, I saw him with Mike Stern, subbing for Richard Bona, who didn't show up last minute. Janek was having Indian food when Mike called him up and asked him if he could get over to 55 Bar "now" to play. No wonder I remember seeing him eating some spicy kinda food on the way into the bar! Just, you remember too right? Hehe... Although it was last minute, he sounded like he rehearsed the shit before. Damn...

Goddamn man...today is definitely a day to remember...

Thursday, October 04, 2007

New York....Mosquitoes...

Just as I thought I hardly see any mosquitoes in New York...


I went to bed at 1.39am and thought I could get my much needed sleep for the rehearsal in New Jersey the next morning. I woke up scratching all over my arms and legs, wonder where the fuck is that little prick that stung me so bad.

I finally found that motherfucker but couldn't kill it!!


Now I'm sitting in my housemate's room, with strong cooling aircond.

The time... 5.27am...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Magic of Richard Bona




Sunday, September 30, 2007

Enough is enough!

Wow... I don't think I've ever worked with such pathetic musicians and singers!!

Can't sing, can't play.

I rehearsed with the singers and thought they (especially the guy on guitar) were bad enough, shit... the BASSIST!!! Oh my fuckin' God, and I found out DURING the gig!!

Well, not exactly a gig.

They said it's a tryout, so they can't pay me anything, but I can have free beers.

Hearing all the kinda crap they were doing on the bandstand, with the bassist playing every single bass note wrong, I thought "enough is enough!!".

In the end of the set, the flutist asked me if I will play with them again, I said, "I will think about it." He replied, "Doesn't sound promising". Hell yeah, it doesn't.

And the leader guy (singer, guitarist) asked me if I wanted a beer, I said, "No I gotta go."

Damn, I don't even bother to have the fuckin' beer!! I just wanna get out of the shit hole, and so I did.

None of that shit again!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I met a Malaysian in UC Berkeley

Audition's over, I went to play badminton with Mads, since he's from Denmark, a badminton kingdom too.

After the badminton and some racket ball, we went into the locker room to stretch out, and that was then...I saw an Asian guy walking in with the t-shirt that days "Jus Do It Lah".

It looks like a Nike shirt but it has a lot of caricatures on it and the "just" was spelled as "jus", without a T. Right then I knew what that was leading to.

I went straight up to that guy and asked him, "Excuse me, may I know where you got that t-shirt?"

He was like, "Well...I'm a Malaysian..."


So it appeared that he was from Bandar Utama and has moved here since he was 13.

Then Mads came over and I told him what's the deal. So Mads was like, "Manglish? So is it something like what the Singaporeans say 'Why you so like that?'"

We said yes, but you have to add a "lah" too. HAHA...

Then this Bandar Utama dude started to say things about Manglish, like, "We talk in a more relax way than the Americans. Like in America, people would say 'John! You screwed up!' but in Malaysia it will be, 'Eh John ah, you screwed up lah...'". AHAHAHAHAA!!!

Then he said, "The thing with us Malaysians and Singaporeans is, we know we speak like that, and yet we think it's funny too, so we make fun of ourselves all the time as well."


Quite an eye-opener eh, Mads?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

If I leave this world by chance...

Alright, flying off to San Francisco in 9/11 doesn't sound like such a good idea, but I AM doing it.

Thinking of it, if something happened to me if I died in this flight, I would be the luckiest corpse in the world.


Because I don't have much that I left behind to worry about.

I'm not married, I don't have kids, I have almost no money in my bank account, I have no house, no loans, no car, nothing. What I have are my parents and my sister, the 3 most important people in my life. And of course, you know some friends, like my bro Ken, my gugu brothers Nicholas and Kee Yong, my high school friends Albert and Chin Keong.

But, just in case some shit really happened to me, I wanna tell all these people that I love you guys, and don't worry about me because I'm leaving this world whole-heartedly. I have done some fun stuff with music, I have met great people, and I have met some pricks too. There's no regrets in my life.

To all you musician motherfuckers in Malaysia, please keep on fighting the good fight! Do NOT go against the system, but do NOT tolerate either!

Fuck yeah bitches! If you see me back in one piece without winning the audition, it's fine. Life goes on. But if you don't see me coming back, just tell yourselves that I'm still here, it's just that I'm too busy to call or e-mail anybody.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Washington DC

The trip to Washington DC was a quick one, but nonetheless a fun one.

We took off from Chinatown at 6pm and arrived there at 11 something. I was staying in the same room with Aaron Shragge the trumpet and shakuhachi player. He's cool, looks like a zen monk with that bald head that he shaves frequently and he does raga with his voice, trumpet, and shakuhachi whenever he has time.

Oh he's a vegan too.

We went to 7-11 after we arrived to look for some food and went to bed after we bought the stuff.

The sleep was brief as we musicians had to wake up at 7am. Aaron woke up at god-knows-when and was starting to do his raga, so naturally he was the one who woke me up.

We went to Kennedy Center that's located next to Watergate. The stage people were pretty nice to us, and since we stepped in, we had a 10-hour day. That was one of my looooooooongest day in my life. Sound check, lighting check, position check, rehearsal, all ran simultaneously. Yuki did some beautiful job on the backdrop behind us, bravo for that!

We were almost dead when we got back to the hotel, but we didn't just stop there. Aaron went out to have Ethiopian dinner with Akim (the Funk Buddha), Akiko (the Funky Geisha), Kai-Ti (road manager), Rain (the video camera guy), Kak Miranti (Balinese dancer), Peter (laptop DJ), and Myla (dancer cum Akim's lady). As for me, Hypno (aka Tommy Chan, my Chinese comrade who does body-popping) called me up to chill in his room with Baba (Israel, MC and beatboxer).

We watched some stuff on the TV and on his laptop too. Apparently his laptop is connected to his home TV cable box, so he could ACTUALLY WATCH HIS SUBSCRIBED CHANNELS in his hotel room, pretty sick ain't it? We watched some Reno 911 too, which made us laugh our asses off.

Later I went on to Peter's room (after they came back) to chill with them, had a few hits which didn't do anything to me, talked some shit, had a cultural interaction with Akiko, see Akim stressing out...etc...

The next day was the performance day, we didn't have to get to Kennedy Center until 11am. So it was quite a relieve for us (why the hell do you think we can chill so long in the previous night, hm?!).

We played two shows, which was extremely well-received. Both shows were full (well, of course, it's partly because it's free...). Akim, Aaron, Angela (aerialist) and Anasma (bellydancer and body-popper) did a short strolling session outside the hall in between shows, too.

We had this really sweet and funny girl Jacqueline to be our caretaker, bringing us food and shit, running around to make sure we're fine. Later after our conversation, I got to know that she's an Indiana U grad who studied piano performance. She said she might move over to New York, having the urge to perform chamber music. I wish her good luck, and hope to see her in the City!

After our shows, Akim and Baba did a really fun (but too short) beatboxing workshop. They taught people the fundamental idea of how to beatbox and it was fun. They even invited all the audiences to dance together, there were a couple of 2-yr-old tiny kids who joined in too, it's soooo funny and yet so cute!

I was planning to stay on for the night and leave the next day. But it seemed like nobody wanted to stay long in DC, most people wanted to leave. I figured I wouldn't have time to visit places in DC the next day anyway, since the bus leaves at 11.50am. So I gave up and followed most people to go back to NYC.

All-in-all, this was a fun experience and definitely a memorable one. This is the first time ever I get to play in such a classy place like this without playing classical music. I hope more will come! And I certainly hope they will come soon...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mark Feldman vs. Mat Maneri

Yes, they were playing together.

Two giants ---- monsters, if you will ---- shredding on the same stage.

I was almost late because of my rehearsal in Queens. When I rushed into the door, Okkyung Lee was the door person, I couldn't believe it! Haha! Kee Yong was waiting for me right there, and he (and Nicholas) paid for me. Thanks a bunch guys!

Mark and Mat started off with some beautiful dissonants and counter melodies. You can hear them complementing each other, sometimes one would be on top doing the "solo" and the other would be the background. Weaving through waves of sonority, they would occassionally land on a steady groove and start rocking some sick lines.

They played two "tunes" for the set (I dunno how to call it, it's free improv anyway), if not including the encore. Each "tune" was 30 minutes, but you wouldn't feel bored because there are different stuff coming out every time.

Mark has the same old licks that he's been using for the past few decades, but that's Mark, you can't steal that away from him. I feel that his playing is more about the fiery tone and vibrato of his instead of new ideas. But it's cool, like I said, Mark is Mark. As long as it sounds good.

As for Mat, it's all about new ideas and the coolness of his sound. He never likes to play too loud or too much, in oppose to Mark's playing. If Mark is a ball of fire, then Mat is the iceberg. Why do I say iceberg? Because his ideas are so rich that it's like they're all sample of a big iceberg.

So for the whole hour, Mark was shredding his trademark licks, while Mat swam in between his notes with constant new ideas, creating different sounds.

For the encore, Mark started blowing his crazy fast-and-furious lines for sometime while Mat was watching. When he felt it was time, Mat entered, overlapping Mark's, and Mark slowly died down and let Mat shred. Mat blew in full force for about 5 minutes, without any other complements from Mark. It was beautiful...

One thing to complain though, The Stone was hot like hell last night, because they didn't dare to switch the aircond, so that the acoustic sounds of violin and viola would not be interrupted. Everybody was sweating like mad, not to mention the performers!

Anyway, I met Brian Lindgren there in the Stone! We knew each other in Mancini '05, and it was sooo surprising that he came to see the show. I was surprised to know that he actually just arrived the same day and we bumped into each other! I hope his freelancing life in New York will be rewarding and musically satisfying. Good luck Brian!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My noisy room...

My room has 6 windows, it's very bright, I like it... wait... that was during the cold winter. Try now --- hot days. I opened some of my windows to get the air circulating, holy shit... you hear the aircond noise from the Trade Fair supermarket right next to my house, you hear electric drill on the left from a house that is being renovated, you hear cars honking like mad on the streets (and mind you, this happens in sleeping time too), garbage truck roaring, car alarms, people shouting and laughing and yelling outside...

It's noisy!!!!

But seriously, everywhere in New York is noisy, you hardly find peace in this city.

So cursin' is the only solution I have left. At least you let out your feelings.

So if you can't bear with my swear words, I'm sorry, it's your problem. :) But don't mean no bad intention.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

My Burning Desire

Ahh yes...

I started to go to see shows again... of course, I only pick those that I can afford...

My burning desire for music is rising again...

I was in QC the other day and I saw this Uzbek percussionist giving masterclass for the percussion cats. Damn, his playing is PERFECT and so moving!! I was utterly amazed by that shit, and it gave me the thrill once again ------ the kind of musical thrill that I had when I first got to New York.

It's coming back again...

I feel that I wanna do some shit... Some shit that will temporarilysatisfy my endless thirst and desire for music...

Here I come motherfuckers, I'm back!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Devillish Angel

Such an adorable creature
Dark eyes
Silky hair
Brownish skin
Beautiful smile
A smile with blood dripping down
Down to the chin
Chin to the breast

She's gonna suck you dry
Out of your neck
Hard breathing
Soft hissing

She's gonna keep you high
Over your body
Gentle touching
Wet licking

If you see her first time
She's the most angelic
If you see her twice
She makes your heart ache
If you see her third time
Protect her you'd want to

But careful gentlemen
She's the blood sucking
Devillish Angel

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Are Chinese all gangsters in America?

Eh budak-budak Holiwud! Apa pasal kamu smua ni?

You think all the Chinese are kungfu fighters and are gangsters or triad members is it?

Blardy hell!

Tengok lah "War", oh my God!!!! Such a bad movie with such a bad message --- revenge. The starting of the movie was ALL about underground night club and naked women in a yakuza district --- yeah I know, they're Japanese, but you get what I mean. Then Jet Li started to kill his victims with every saddistic way possible.

Jet, I thought you're into Buddhism these days and like, REALLLYYY into it? You don't seem like it. You're sending out bad messages to the audiences. Revenge revenge and bloodshed, is this the message you wanna send out to your audiences? Gosh man, I dunno what the hell you're doing in Hollywood! Go back to Hong Kong!!

But it's OK, I can live without your shitty Hollywood films. I also watched Bourne Supremacy. Now THAT'S what I call a great movie!

Well of course, Hollywood is still the one to be blamed, stereotyping Chinese and other Asians. Like you white people have no gangs and triads. Shit...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Constantly misunderstood

Thinking back in my life, my friends from primary, middle, and high school, never really understood ---- or still don't ---- how my life is like. All the more, many of them misunderstood what I do.

Most people would say, "Yeah man, so nice, you study music, so 'senang', no need to study like mad like us! Just play some music and have fun every day."

Now I'm wondering if it's just me or it really is ---- they kinda sounded sarcastic.

What they meant was "you musicians suck at life".

And there was this chick whom I used to like, told me something like this, "I need a man who knows what to do when there's a trouble, for example, when my tyre is flat, he should be able to change it; when I dunno how to pay taxes, he should know how... not a musician."

Eh, hold on a sec... How the hell do you know I dunno all these things? GAWD-DAYUMMM!!

Some would be too nice to me, "You mah good loh~~ Can do what you like and earn so much money!"

Analysis: do what I like? Correct. Earn so much money? How do you know? You think every musician plays in MPO?

The business people would say, "Aiyoooo, you dun understand one lah!! For us, networking is number one! Without networking, there's no business!"

Hello? Do you think music is not a kind of business? Where did you get that idea from? And how the fuck do you know I don't network? I network EVERYDAY!!

Then the ones who went into science or maths field, they'd say, "We go by logic and theory one, not like you only go by feeling and emotion."

Understatement: You're lame, don't think things with reason.

For these kinda people, I would REALLY, I mean REALLYYYY like to ask them to come study the theory of music. See how logical we can be, and how our theory teachers can be cold-blooded assholes like theirs. And I can also say to them, "You're lame, you only have logic, no emotions."

For you who do not understand my job, stop shitting on us and be humble and ask us about it ----- though you'd probably ending up not understanding it still! And for those of you who know a bit of it, please explore more before you drop a statement.

Oh, and for those of you who don't bother to try to understand us, please fuck off. No time for you. (yes... musicians are busy and hardworking people)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Susan Sarah John's new gamelan piece...

Malaysian composer and arranger, Susan Sarah John, is working on a new piece for Hands Percussion Team, a Chinese-Malaysian percussion group that combines all sorts of percussion instruments from different cultures in the world.

This piece uses Javanese gamelan set, 3 Chinese lion dance drums, a drum set, and an electric guitar.

I had the privilege to watch the rehearsal tonight, and I thought it was a beautiful piece.

The guitarist is my friend, Gideon Aluba, a wonderful self-taught musician whom I worked with a couple of years ago. He played some beautiful sound in there, sometimes reminds me of Steve Reich's Electric Counterpoint, because he was playing over the minimalistic and rhythmic gamelan.

Sarah retuned the gamelan set to make it diatonic, it sounded just fine!

I hope to see the real performance, but of course, I won't be here...

Happy 10 years old Hands!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ikon ASEAN 2007

I just came back from playing for the LIVE TV Broadcast of Astro Ria's Ikon ASEAN singing competition.

First of all I have to say I was really really happy with the result. The 4 judges were each from Malaysia (Mac Chew), Indonesia, Phillipines, and Singapore ---- doesn't seem to have much room for shouting "Malaysia Boleh" does it?

Yeah at first I thought this would be just another "Malaysia Boleh" kinda competition --- held in Malaysia, get most of the attendance from Malaysian fans, Malaysian contenstants get cheered at the most, and all awards won by Malaysians (or at least one).

It turned out that it didn't happen that way, which is a good slap in the face for the local contestants.

Let's first talk about the local contestants.

Jaclyn Victor (solo category). She has the technique of singing R&B-ish twist-and-turn lines and ad libs, but she doesn't have the voice and doesn't know how to sing properly either. Also, her choice of repertoire was quite weak, especially the P. Ramlee Medley, nothing could be shown much. With this adding up with her singing that was lacking of emotional depth, it was a failure.

OAG (band category). Bunch of monkeys jumping and stomping on the stage, rolling on the floor, spinning round and round, pitches perfectly out-of-tune, and expect people to buy that this is rock music ... or worse, music. These guys should really go home and revalue their lives living in a dream, thinking that they're the shit and they're already there. A bunch of try-too-hard wannabes, sorry to say.

Indonesia had two representatives too. Can't say they're very good, but the solo singer, Judika, did a pretty good job. The band, Tahta, was just another Malay-rock kinda band. They have the potential, but they should stretch out more.

Finally, the Pinoys! Yes the Phillipinos are awesome. During the rehearsal, I could already sort of tell that they're the winners --- provided that there are no Malaysia-Boleh fetish involved.

The band, KJWAN, kicked off the competition with their song, "Invitation". That was some crazy ass tight shit man! Once I heard the sound, I KNEW this will be the ones who are winning if I were the judges. They really look like great performers, the singer was cool, everybody seemed to be serious about making the music work. Unlike the stupid monkeys jumping around, acting rebellious and shit, thinking that they're inheriting Kurt Cobain's bottle of piss. Tight ensemble, powerful sound, refined technique (the drummer has the kinda touch that I love!), great stage presentation (doesn't mean you have to be like monkey). They're great.

Then it was Vina Morales, the beautiful actress/singer. Damn, was she good! She captured my attention from the first note to the last (despite of her smiling at me during rehearsals, haha!). She has that depth in her voice and phrasing that Jac really didn't have. Yes, maybe her ability to sing like a black mama was not as good as Jac, but technique is not everything. Jac's singing, though flashy at times, didn't touch my heart. But Vina's did. She conquered the judges with music, not technique, that is just so much more important. But of course, she's born with a beautiful voice too.

All in all, I was very happy with the result of the competition, and I thought that the judges made justice to the Pinoys. And I do hope that the Malaysian contestants would get a lesson from this: Being famous in Malaysia is just a beginning, only seriously making music --- with your hard work and heart work --- will make you the real deal, not by posing and syok sendiri on the stage. The four judges taught us a lesson without saying a word, bravo!

End of ranting, my dear Malaysians, 好自为之吧!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

2nd Night with the ExperiMENTAL Quartet

The set list was basically the same as the first night.

We kicked off with Manda's Mood, my tune for Amanda. Then "14th Street, St. Nicholas", a tune inspired by my walk with Nicholas in his last night in New York. Then Herbie's Watermelon Man, which we didn't rehearse but came out well. Then it's "In Case A Goodbye" I wrote for Wendy, Julian did a great job on the soprano saxophone!! Finally, we ended the first set with Bored of Bb by Justin, which was the last song in the second set on the first night.

Eugene and his gang came in half way while we were playing Watermelon Man. They said they liked the gig a lot! Li Tinh said she likes "In Case a Goodbye", wahaha! Yeah I like it a lot too, maybe that's my best ballad yet. :P

2nd set started off with "Take The A Train", which we didn't play the originally melody from beginning till the end, only hinting the song by having Justin playing the piano intro somewhere in the middle. The whole song was just improvised over the changes. And when we asked if the audience know what song it is, we didn't accept the answer "Take the A Train", we said "Take the KTM"!

Then we played Justin's Consequently, and his untitled new tune (which we temporarily called it "Justin's New Shit"). After that we played Not 3 Not 4, also by Justin, which sounded so different from our duo and trio version. It's fuller and Eddie added some 1920's humour with his wawa mute.

We closed up with "Days of Guns n' Roses". People were shouting and cheering like mad in that one, haha! Just like a rock concert.

3rd set started of with "A Few Words with JaC", which documented one of my most idiotic moments in my life. It was a duo with Justin, and I think we both played our hearts out in that one. Then Julian and Eddie came back and we played "One Flight Back to Bolehland", my hymn to my beloved country, the "Bolehland" Malaysia. The phasing part was better than the night before.

Then we did "It's... It's Not Funny", our tribute to Ornette Coleman, title inspired by Ken's super funny story. We were stretching wayyyyy wayyyy out tonight, and it was more animated and funny this time. Could it be because we found a title for it? ;)

Finally, we did "Days of Guns n' Roses" once again, because David finally showed up and we wanted him to hear it, also wanted to record it. It sounded better than the one we did in 2nd set.

Quite a night, I have to say!

I surely hope we can do more shit like this, seeing that the audiences actually liked it!!

Friday, August 03, 2007

The ExperiMENTAL Quartet

Had my first show with the ExperiMENTAL Quartet last night in The Top Room, KL.

That was a fun gig, never seen such a great reaction from the crowd doing THIS kinda music.

What kinda music?

You see... we played everything from standards to originals to rock to free jazz to experimental...

I don't suppose KL has ever seen something like this from local musicians.

Our line-up is totally weird too. We do not have drums and bass, only a piano, a violin, a sax and a trumpet.

We were a little worried about the instrumentation at first, but we later sorted it out without thinking too much. The bass is already in the piano, so why worry?

So we focused more on collective improvisation and harmonising and complementing on each other's parts. It worked out perfectly.

Our saxophonist Julian's motto is "I don't give a shit".

We held on to that and did as we feel like on the stage, mixing spontaneity with pre-rehearsed arrangements. We did some funny stuff like playing Take The A Train without playing the head at all --- they know what it is anyway! We also played "The Days of Guns n' Roses".

Yes, you read me right, "The Days of GUNS N' ROSES".

We fused "Sweet Child O' Mine" with Mancini's Days of Wine and Roses. We ended our first set with that. I could see people's faces changing every time we twist the music into another one. That was fun.

We also did free jazz, based on a 3-phrased melody. We stretched out really far and I felt that our souls were transported to somewhere else.

That was a great night! I hope tonight till be a great one too.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My sudden KLIA trip

No, I didn't do no one-night-stand.

No, I didn't even drink.

But I went to KLIA. That's a fact.

I met Julian in Top Room and he said he was going to pick up Chee Meng and his colleagues from LCC Terminal. But then all of a sudden, he said, "Oh shit! I didn't realise that I can't fit 4 people in my little Satria!" So I thought I had a car, why not, I'll go help out!

then we 2 motherfuckers, at 11pm, went to Kajang to have a drink and met up with Ken for a short while, and went straight to KLIA!

Seldom in my life that I do such an impromptu trip --- to a place THAT far away.

I spent some money though. The bloody tolls, dammit! And I used up half a tank of petrol!

I got back home at 4am... and god damn... my mom woke up at the same time...

"Why come home so late?"

"Why spend unnecessary money?!"

"No, don't want you to buy the petrol, you've got enough spending to take care of!"

Well... but I felt happy that I did something fun though... :P

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Price of Having Balls

Sometimes you have to pay the price to have balls to say the truth. I truly respect this guy's balls, and if he gets into jail for this shit, man I'm tellin' you it's worth it because he caused some impact in the society.

Stupid laws about rearranging the national anthem should not stop a man's love to his own country and pointing out the real problem of the society. Furthermore, they SHOULDN'T call that an "arrangement with bad intention", because all I see in the video is the man's concern about his own society and the determination to let people see the problem ---- people who REALLY should know their own problems.

If the government tries to distract the public by focusing on the arrangement of national anthem, then they're trying to avoid the real problem and rotting direction we are heading.

A few years back, a local composer composed a beautiful piece that contains the national anthem in it for the grand opening of the Malaysian Philharmonic. His piece got banned right after the first performance. A beautiful symphonic piece with our national anthem resonating within. It's a piece that expresses the composer's love to his own country, and what's wrong with that? Do you call that "arrangement with bad intention" too? Why do you ban it?

There is NO clear guideline in this law and the authorities is simply using it as they like to stabilise their own political power. Dirty!


New CDs...

One funny thing about local pirated audio CDs (local as in Malaysia) is that they like to put in some "bonus tracks" after all the "real" tracks of that particular album.

The other night I went to the pasar malam near my house all 3 for 10 ringgit.

I got Linkin Park's newest album, "Minutes to Midnight". It's a new sound for this band, no more DJ-ing and less rapping. They focus on live sound this time. The band is tight, but the overall effect isn't too exciting. Good try, can be better though.

Next is the new album by Audioslave, "Revelation". Very typical Audioslave sound, always enjoying the special guitar solo sound in the band. It's interesting to listen to this ex-Rage Against the Machine band making a whole different sound that still works at its own rights.

Finally a Chinese album from Taiwan by A-Yue (張震嶽), "OK". Yeah, very typical sound by him, but not as naughty as before. His way of writing lyrics is really unrefined, but I guess that's already become his style --- so that it sounds like improvising. Guess he's one of the few people in the Chinese scene that's really "playing" music and having "fun" with it.

Don't you hipocrites scold me for buying pirated! I just wanna test the music out before I want to buy the real shit. If it's not good, why the fuck do I need to buy the real thing?

And to you people who release the albums, if you want people to buy your shit, you better convince people to buy the real thing by making great music so that people feel worth it!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


So, yes, it's over, the show in KLPac is over...

It was a full house, plus 30 extra seats...

People applauded and yelled like crazy...

Uncle and aunty Teoh was here... :)

Aunty Teoh said she was touched by "One for Wendy, In Case a Goodbye" --- both by the title and the song.

Sherwin was moved by "A Few Words with JaC"...

All of them are my chick songs...haha...

But I'm really glad that KLPac invited me for this shit, really appreciate it!

And Justin, Joseph, both of you motherfuckers, thanks for making my show happening! You're the best!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Much Awaited Day...

July 12... today...

I remember I was first approached by Marge earlier this year, asking me to do a concerto appearance with KLPac Sinfonietta in KLPac's HSBC String Festival.

I agreed without thinking twice, as it has always been my dream to be invited back home someday and be recognised by my own people. And so the time has come.

The programme was later changed because, after knowing that I play other music too, they want more variety added into the festival. They asked me to do a jazz show.

I told them I will have Justin on the piano and Joseph on the bass --- the two most amazing musicians I've ever known in KL. And I'm very glad that both of them agreed without hesitation.

So I figured that since this is something new, we should play something new too! So Justin and me started to write some new music, preparing to play an all-original programme.

Show's tonight, let's see what damage we can do!

Monday, July 02, 2007


I suddenly realised that I've never documented my Ponty experience, which I should.

This guy is like 60+ but he still plays so perfectly, gosh, I don't believe it!

His playing is not as explosive as when he was younger, but nevertheless, he still sounds fantastic.

Not really into the kind of music he is playing now though, too much funk stuff. I mean I'm cool with funk, but I can't stand a whole night of it. But I kinda expected that he wasn't going to play shit that I'm really into, but I felt that I should be that because he's one my heroes, and I want to see how he uses his bow --- he told me that he is still practising Sevcik and Paganini every day now.

Now THAT'S impressive.

I could totally see the influence of those exercises when he plays. He's got an almost perfect bowstroke on everything he wants to play, the left hand and right hand coordination was completely flawless. Also, when he did all the alternating bowings, he never seem to have lost his time feel ---- everything was still in the pocket.

Fuck yeah...

Tried to meet him at the end of the concert, but of course, couldn't.

I wanted to thank him in person, for accepting my e-mail interviews when I was doing my undergraduate final paper.

Just in case you're reading this Jean-Luc, thank you!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

My visa shit...

I dunno why would this happen.

I told her that I am supposed to get the visa before July 5. She just didn't get it.

Now I dunno what is going to happen to me.

Hope I'm not fucked.



Tuesday, June 26, 2007


"You better stop," he told himself, "this is totally not worth it! Not at all!"

Maybe she meant a lot to him, more than himself, but he doesn't worth anything to her.

Plus, she already had someone.

He logged on to his Friendster, he's not among her top friends, same thing happened in Facebook -- after all these that he had done to her.

He began to wonder why.

Girls are hard to understand, he told himself.

Is that really so?

Night. He was scratching his head, sipping his beer, getting dizzier and dizzier. He looked at himself in the mirror. All of a sudden, he thought he was the ugliest and weakest motherfucker on earth.

There went the bottle.

The mirror smashed, but his hands just got started to punched the remaining pieces on the frame. Blood splattering. Fists painted in crimson.

He panted like a beasts, twisted open another bottle cover, kissed the bottle for a sip.

* * * * * *

She gave Frank a deep stamp on the lips.

"Don't worry baby," she told him, "however well he treated me, you're still the only one for me."

* * * * * *

His fists stopped bleeding, his eyes closed, his chests still rising and falling for more oxygen.

"You better stop man," he told himself, "you don't mean shit to her. You better stop NOW..."

Tears flowing.

Last drops of beer dripping.

All he wished is he had a .38. Yes, .38 is enough. Enough to finish himself.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Tribute to Leroy Jenkins

The death of a legend is a loss.

But in the same time, it indicates the starting of a test --- a test that would ultimately show how persistent is one's work through time, how long does it sustain.

For Leroy Jenkins' case, his test just started.

However, nobody can deny his influence towards all of us improvising string players. As I wrote in the Leroy Jenkins guestbook: Thanks for bringing us OUT of the box ----- WAYYYY out of the box!

The piece was "New York" by Jenkins.

The size of the ensemble, approximately 40 string players. (50 is not true if you look at it in a glance)

I was lucky enough to be invited to play in this event and play with great musicians like Reggie Workman, Ken Filiano, Mark Feldman, Jason Kao Hwang, Ron Lawrence, Mark Chung, etc.

Billy Bang was the director.

During the rehearsal, a guy came over to my stand and asked me, "Can I share with you?"

I looked up, it was Mark Feldman.

Crazy shit, haha! (Jules, u know what I mean...)

Yeah so we stood together and play, even in the concert too.

Jing Wen came, I was really happy, made my day.

Also met some other people I know, very very random... Guess Leroy Jenkins will pass his test after all. :P

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blue In Green

Back to NY...

Was listening to Miles Davis' Blue in Green, got me emo... whenever I hear it, I get emo...

It's a whole different life now, I feel.

My lil sister moved in, have a little feeling of responsibility to look after, which I think is a good thing. I've been all by myself a little too long, like a leaf that floats on water, drifing everywhere without a direction.

At least now I have someone to relate to, and someone who would share her thoughts and talk to me...

Met Kee Yong and his family today, he's got a cute and lively daughter, his wife is very nice too. Beautiful little family.

Also met Nicholas again just now, brought lil sis and Kee Yong together.

I will say bye bye to this place again in two weeks... strange feeling...

Someone say I'm a "flying man", well, for these two months, maybe I am...

Night time now... ready to get a beer and sleep...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Madison, Wisconsin -- La Salle-Peru, IIlinois

It's almost the end of my trip, so I think I should write down bits and pieces of experience I had here.

It's been a wonderful trip, I have to say, mainly because of the superb hospitality that Chien and Jenny provided for me in Madison. The host family in Illinois, Jim and Chris Coughlin were also great hosts that gave us a lot of convenience.

I had so much fun in Madison, not because there were much to do here, simply because it's so relaxing here. Had so much time spent with Ka Ming, one of the nicest chaps and budding violin virtuoso.

Chien brought me to his favourite acitivity: Fishing.

That the first time in my life fishing for real, it was fun! And Chien told me that I learned very fast.

So I went to shore fishing, fly fishing, and boat fishing. We might go to cat fishing, because he wants me to take a picture with a big fish before I go home.

If Madison is relaxing, then La Salle-Peru, Illinois, would totally stop human evolution.

It's almos an all-white town, u hardly see one Asian there. People are very nice and also conservative and religious.

The Maud Powell Music Festival was alright. My job was basically playing in the pit orchestra and also playing in the institute orchestra, helping the kids to play in an ensemble.

I found good food in Peru: Grilled chicken with Bourbon sauce from Mike's Place!

I'm not exaggerating, that was one of the best chicken I ever. Anybody that tried it would be hooked by it!

In the festival, my improvisational skill came to use, when Dr David Becker, our conductor found out that I can improvise and asked me to improvise in the encore piece, Hoedown. It's a country song, and I had to play bluegrass style!! Oh my fuckin' God, I failed an audition in New York before because I couldn't really play bluegrass,and now I'm asked to play it IN FRONT of a bunch of MIDWESTERNERS?!!

I took it anyway, and it turned out well.

Also, the man-in-charge of Powell Festival, Dr Kevin McMahon, also asked me to fill in for a group that cancelled their performance in the final day outdoor performance. I wrote two very simple tunes to play with bassist Dave. I used all the gimmicks I know, like bow chops and electric guitar sound, because I know people here have never even heard of jazz violin.

It was effective! They loved it and wondered how the hell can I do all those sound.

Funny thing was I played right after the great violinist, Rachel Barton. Later she asked me how did I learn all those things... I didn't know how to answer her, hehe...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Chien's Quote of the Day

"You must learn to fake, my son."

--- Goh Chia-Chien

*Chien made this comment after he found out that his student couldn't play with the ensemble and looked dumb. So he told him he used to get paid 50,000 bucks a year to fake professionally.

Monday, June 11, 2007


It is true

It is the end of the story

And also a continuation of mine

Or rather

A repitition

It is nothing but a joke

So are my stories

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Done at last!!

At last...this is the last words I will type inside the bathroom studio. No more...

First thing in the morning after I woke up (except brushing my teeth) was recording the "A natural" version of the "Road to Fang Fang" cue.

Fuck you Ken. Fuck you very much.

But I'm glad that it's done!!!

48K 16-bit... bullshit...

I'm going back to real music-making.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

48K 16-Bit

Why the fuck do you movie people use this sample format anyway? Pisses me off!!

Luckily I figured a (very mafan/troublesome) way to do it!!

Otherwise your movie is fucked!!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

My ultra-simple home studio

No, it's not in my home.

It's in my friend's place in Madison, Wisconsin. Oh yeah, that's where I am right now.

Nope, it's not in a garage or anything like that.

It's in a bathroom in the basement.

Don't laugh, it's true. It's the only most quiet place in the house.

The equipment:

My stupid DELL laptop that has a flashing screen
A pair of Creative speakers that I got from Chien
An MD mic
A pair of headphones/earphones (at first it was headphones, but I later found a pair of earphones from Jenny, Chien's wife)

That's it?! Yes. That's it.

So now what? Record of course!

So my buddy Ka Ming and me started to get stuck in the room for a looooooong time.

It's much harder than recording in a studio. It's fucking frustrating because we're under equipped! Not like some big equipments but we're just under equipped of a headphone splitters.

So Ka Ming had to listen to the headphones while I follow his cues. You know how frustrating it is and how many times we fucked up?!!!


We have to play every part by our own, overdubbing and overdubbing until we could remember every single part!!

We don't have a cellist yet, she's coming in on Tuesday.

Wish me luck...

Oh by the way, what's the project?

Giovanni Chen's 30-minute short "The Wait"
Music by Ken Hor (aka Ken Whore)
The cue is "Closing Theme", calling for a string orchestra without doublebass
Cues to come: Road to Fang Fang, scored for solo violin and piano
Fang Fang Opening, scored for string orchestra without doublebass

Dammit... I wish this will be over soon...

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Use of Midi Strings

Seriously, I never liked the sound of Midi strings in recordings. It's so fake, artificial, plastic, emotionless...

I would go all the way to oppose the usage of it in any recordings!

One exception though: If you are in a place where you can't find string players that play in tune.

Sometimes when you talk about the genuine sound of live strings, you tend to forget to consider the realistic problem. Do you want the real sound but out of tune, or a fake sound, but in tune?

Personally I would go for the one in tune. Fake strings, though fake as it is, intonation will still be there; as for out-of-tune real strings,what for we need them if it bugs our ears?

So, if it's in Hollywood, yeah, fuck Midi! We go for the real shit.

But if it's not in a very musically inclined part of the world, hm...think again.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Doubts Beyond Sense

And there he came back
From his useless worries
Doubts beyond sense

It wasn't coincidence
It happened for a reason
And it taught him great lessons
Lessons of patience
Patience in waiting


And so he reached out his hand
Trying to touch another dimension
That he couldn't smell or hear
Seems like stupidity
But for him, makes the most sense
He believed
He trusted
And he wondered
Wondering if trance would help
Or cross-dimension capsule would
Perhaps the electrical wire would do?
Or simply the cable would send him there?
To see her
Once and for all

Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Most Indecisive Time in My Life

Yup, it's now...

I'm nervous and afraid...

Is it really like what it seems?

Am I thinking too much?

I think I'm crazy...

Maybe she doesn't mean that at all, and I'm just imagining things...

It always happens...

Never did making such a big sacrifice for something like this...

Wish me luck...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

LIRR's Asia/Pacific Heritage Celebration

I was pleasantly surprised by the call I got a few weeks ago from Long Island Rail Road, asking me to play for their Asia/Pacific Heritage Celebration.

Today was the gig, I woke up pretty early in the morning, which was quite surprising, then I rushed to the Woodside Station to catch the train to LIRR's Hillside Maintenance side. LIRR provided the tickets to me!

My performance was after a talk by Harendra Sirisenda, a Sri Lankan scholar.

Funny shit was, the announcer pronunced my name as "Choi". WTF?!

Even funnier thing was, once he introduced me, he told the audiences to start having their food! Haha!

OK, so I was kind of an entertainer there. But hey, I get good money, why not?

So, whole-heartedly, I started my first piece, which was an untitled spontaneous improvisation. Some people actually sat down and listened to it, and clapped after I was done. Nice. So I continued finishing my programme by playing "Night at the Fishermen's Boat" and "Joy of Spring" --- two Chinese tunes that I can never forget in my life, as I've played it soooooo many times! Hehe...

Anyway, that's my gig today, not bad... Was fun, pressureless.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Sometimes I wonder, if I were to have someone in my life, what would it be like?

Does she have to be a musician?

Let's say if she is a musician and is also a much badder motherfucker? How would I respond to it?

I always thought that I would be ashamed of myself for not being compatible to her, until Pete gave me a good slap in the face today.

He said, "Dude, this ain't fuckin' 15th century! Who gives a shit if your girl is badder than u? If she is, you should be proud of her. See?"

Wise words from Pete, but it is indeed very simple. I know this logic deep inside, but maybe I forgot to apply it to myself.

Then some shit that I told the UPM kids popped into my mind.

I told them, "You are what you are and nobody will snatch it away from you. There's always some quality that you have, people don't have. So when you see people better than you, you don't have to be afraid or lose your self esteem, because they might be jealous of your quality that they could never have --- while you don't even realize!"

I said this shit. And now I forgot about it! Ha!

The Man up there created us differently, but I believe that different people has different functions (or "purpose" like some religious people would call it) in this world. If we don't think that we are useless and start fully utilizing our very unique quality, we will serve that function. Thus nobody's ability and talent should be over-praised nor to be looked down at.

I was rehearsing in One World Symphony today, playing Shostakovich's Symphony No.10, had some fun, though it was still a little sloppy in some parts. As I was playing, I felt such rush and contentment inside that I was sort of inspired.

It wasn't the first time I had that feeling while playing, but this time it opens my thoughts up, and made me understood that why my concern was pure nonsense, as well as why Pete called me a "cock" when I told him about it.

Cuz I guess when you reach that state of mind while playing, you wouldn't even worry if your other half is Janine Jensen or Julia Fischer!

Monday, May 21, 2007

What Have I Become in New York?

Sometimes I'll ask myself: What have I become after I came to New York?

For that, I have to recall how I was before I came here.

Let's see...

I have already started to gig around in KL before I came here --- a freelance musician, if you will. So that was pretty much what I'm doing now. But I wasn't as good as knowing people and network as now, that's for sure.

I was loud and talkative back then, but never as loud to voice out what I think or ask for what I deserve.

Knowing these facts tells me that I'm already a totally different person now.

There are both sides of such characteristics: I've either turned into a friendly person who is brave enough to say what he thinks, or I've become a fake socializing ass and a demanding little bastard.

I'm usually pretty careful with not crossing the thin line to the negative side of it but sometimes I still did it subconsciously.

What else have I become? Hm...

I know that I don't talk as much back home, for I'm always home alone, doing my thing. I've becoming quiet most of the time, and dark... I see things differently, often negative and pessimistic... and I'm colder than before, I don't feel for many things as before, I would stand there and watch the changing of a certain situation or issue...

"What have I become?"

Whenever I ask myself this question, and when these answers popped up to me, the words of the wise old man started to resonate in my head once again, he said,

"This is a place where you get it, or you lose it."

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Bitch yeah I watched the MET!!!!!

Man, they're so great man, now I see why they're regarded as the best among the US orchestras!! NYPO is nowhere near that!

The ensemble, and the sound, it comes right into your face, unlike the Phil players, sitting there like working an office job, with no passion and intensity.

David Chan, the concertmaster, holy shit man, he's a motherfucker!! His tone is so round and big, and his technique is just flawless!! But the music he makes man, THAT'S the shit I'm talking about!!! I haven't seen a violinist like that on the stage for quite some time, it's even rare among soloists!

Levine's conducting was simple and clear. He never does big movements, but you know what he wanted ---- even from the back.

But of course, it takes a great orchestra to carry out the conductor's intention.

The orchestra's response to a bit was EXACTLY half a beat delay --- no matter what tempo Levine took. They followed him as tight as superglue!

The result of the delayed response, was the round and bubble-like sound.

Damn it was good!


Ray Pizzi's quote of the day

"stop confusing with pertinent questions!"

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Do I need a title for this?

It's 12:42pm

Moon is bright

Out to buy a bagel

Smell roti canai instead

Wind's cold

T-shirt, shorts and slippers are just nice

Life's hectic

Sit down and have a teh tarik

Lonely here

Furiosity there

Oh my one whole brain

Splitted mind in 2

New York

Kuala Lumpur

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Day of being a Tour Guide

Met up with HZ and her parents today, for the first time. HZ is 12 and very talented, hardworking, and smart. Very nicely brought-up too. Her parents are very cool ones, just like my own parents, they're not those "super-star" parents who want to make their child a prodigy ------- the reason I use the word "make" is because their children are simply not prodigies. They're very down-to-earth.

So I brought them to lunch, but they paid for me instead, thanking me for spending time with them...sigh... malulah, I just feel that I should do that and help my fellow countrymen as much as I can, no need any return lah...

But anyways, I led them to walk from 51 St to Lincoln Center ---- from the willingness to walk, I could tell that they're very sporting also, again, like my parents! Haha...

Then I brought them to see Juilliard, didn't plan to smuggle them into the building because I'm not a Juilliard student. But then, man oh man, ain't that a bitch? Mr. Etienne Charles appeared in front of me waving his hand!

Damn, was he nice! He took the initiative to ask HZ if she wants to take a look at the school, and then signed all of us in.

So he showed us the facilities they have and shit. Even I haven't really seen those things, having been to Juilliard a few times. Thanks to him, I got to see them!

During the visit, I met Zhou Tian in the computer lab, printing his music, obviously. Then we met Andrea, the Canadian cellist from HMI 2006, while waiting for the elevator! Funny thing is, Jeremy just mentioned about her the other day.

After the little Juilliard tour, I brought them to Kaufman Center for HZ's hour-long practice session. Man, one hour sounds pretty short to me, I hope she had enough time...

Then I brought them to walk around to see Times Square, then to Rockerfeller Center, then to St. Patrick's, until little HZ started to turn extremely tired and sleepy. Understandable, it's the jetlag. She's been pretty persistent in walking with us without making a noise, which I was pretty impressed.

So we went to Sapporo to eat ramen --- again, malunya~~ they paid for it again.

Then I sent them back to their hotel. At the entrance of the hotel, little HZ handed me a treble-clef-shaped Carnegie Hall pencil as a gift. She's such a sweetheart! Then she handed me another gift from Chong Lim. Man... u shouldn't have!! Anyway, I miss our movie sessions man, I will be back soon and make sure to hang out with you again!

x x x x

Then I went to watch Chris Potter, Miguel Zenon and Antonio Sanchez playing in 55 Bar.

What more can I say??

They're the definition of "badass mouthafuckas"!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Not 6 though!

Wow, our first show ever wasn't having 6 audiences! There were more than 10 people in the choral room!

The prophecy has been destroyed!!

Good thing was, people dug our shit.

Our gig in Hope, too, went well. There weren't many people, but again, people dug our shit. And thanks to Akim, the atmosphere of the set was being stirred to the highest!

Thanks to Meesh and Brando --- my dear colleagues; and also thanks to my buddy Jeremy on the amazing cello playing! Special thanks to Francesca for providing us a thicker texture in Queens College!

Love you all~

Saturday, May 12, 2007

What's up with the number "6"?

So there were 6 people in the audience.

What's up with that? There were also 6 people in the 169 Bar gig.

Does "6" hold some kind of a secret?

Maybe I should fulfilled the Devil's number "666" to get some more audiences?

So let's see if I get another 6 people for my next show, haha!

But who gives a fuck how many people came? Justin and me had great fun!! Goddammit, that's more important!!

Yeah man, we recorded that shit, wanna listen how it sounded like.

I'm glad that Nicholas was there, and another fellow Malaysian, Debbie, Just's girlfriend was there too. Always good to have Malaysians around! Too bad Kee Yong had to cancel the night before because he had interview to do.

Justin's piece "Not Three, Not Four" was really some shit, I can't stop singing it even till now (now that I'm drunk). Man, this guy's a motherfucker, he deserves wider recognition, seriously!!

I thought my pieces worked well too, except "Welcome Mr. Lim!!" which we both screwed up a bit, haha!!

We four Malaysians went to a Korean BBQ place after the show, we're happy and content.

Man, I wish to have the same kinda fun when I go home for KL PAC this July. Similar materials will be played.

Thanks Michelle for playing for us! Really appreciate it!! You sounded fantastic on my tunes, and thanks for liking my tunes! It's always wonderful to know that a great musician likes my shit.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Welcome Mr Lim!!

Don't be confused by the title, Justin has been in town since Tuesday. This title is just the title of a tune I wrote to "welcome" him.

Welcome indeed, it's hard for a pianist to play it. HAHA!

We're gonna perform today. I couldn't sleep anymore, too excited!!

OK, I need to copy a nice-looking "A Few Words with JaC".

Will be back later, after the show.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

This Town

Jiyoun told me she has a crazy life here in the City.

"How so?" I asked. She couldn't answer. After a moment of thoughts, she replied, "I feel I'm getting old."

I said she's just a couple years older than me, why old?

She said not the age --- she feels old inside. She said time runs away so fast in this town, and so little is achieved.

I told her I have the same feeling, I can't really tell if I'm empty or lonely here. Can't be lonely right? I have so many friends here. But I've never felt content.

She agreed with me, she felt the same.


I met an old wise man in Brooklyn who lived here for more than 30 years.

I asked him what does he think of the City?

He gave me a simple yet deep answer, "This is a place where you get it, or lose it."


We're both people from another place foreign to this town. We're here because we're searching for something.

After our conversation on the train, the wise man's words were ringing in my head, "This is a place where you get it, or lose it."

...this is a place where you get it, or lose it.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Epilogue of a Daydream

He sat in front of the computer screen for two hours, doing nothing but waiting for her reply.

Yet she didn't.

She used to be enthusiastic since last week. She said hi herself once he popped up online, she talked a lot, laughed at his jokes, playing online games together.

She told him she was lonely, that she's tired waiting for the one she's been waiting for.

He happily accepted her invitation to her world.

He went online on time, tried to make her happy and cheer her up.

And now it's dead silence. Dead silence since 5 days ago.

He didn't understand what happened. Is she alright? Hm... since she's online, she shuold be OK, right?...

x x x x x x x

She typed in a few words and pressed "Enter".

On the white chat window it said, "Happy to see you back, baby! I miss you so much! Promise me you won't live me again!"

The reply was, "I never did, and I never will. I was just to busy, forgive me hon."

She smiled.

x x x x x x x

A nightmare shook him awake and he didn't remember what it was about.

The air was cold, the sky was very dark. Maybe a few stars and a pale moon.

The clock pointed at 4am.

He shut down the machine and went to bed with all question marks filling his chest.

Motherfuckin' Prick Orchestra

I recently heard some news of the Motherfuckin' Prick Orchestra.

Totally depressed.

They always say they need locals to be in it, but then? They tell you you're too young and shit.

Fuck that man!!

Why can't you let a local to be in the assistant principal position ---- one who happens to play so well, studied with Janos Starker and Joel Krosnick?!!

It's completely stupid!!!

Yeah right you want locals... you're bunch of racists you motherfuckers! TRAITORS if not racists!!

Oh, people played a great audition who got a full applause and you don't give her the job?!!

Is this how you treat your fellow countrymen?!!

God dammit!!

Let me tell you, Motherfuckin' Prick Orchestra! I'm not gonna join you unless you change your attitude!! NOT IN MY FUCKIN' LIFE!!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

被绑 Kidnapped



他感觉到自己是直立的,可是脚底没有地面的触感 ---- 原来自己是凌空的。进而发觉自己双臂是往上吊的。过不久还全身感到一股寒意 ---- 原来衣服被人剥光了。







女孩竟怜惜地道: “哎哟哎哟,哭啦?对不起宝贝,我可是用最小的力气了呢!我平时可以打得更狠呢,像这样!”话音未落,又是一记耳光扫在他右颊上。这一次可真痛到他心扉里面去了,脸上还温温的流了一道鲜血。





他额头直冒冷汗,呼吸急促且不稳定 ---- 他知道自己这一次完了。











他看得目瞪口呆 --- 这疯女人到底想怎样?!!







Thursday, May 03, 2007

The End of the World

Sky, entirely orange, thickened by rolling clouds and grumbling thunder, with an eye of a spiral in the middle, ever spinning.

Earth, bare, dry, and liveless, not even a crow could be seen.

They seem so close together, the sky and the earth.

But when he appeared in between, one could see there were more space than one would imagine, under that visual condition. Thus, it puts a man to shame to see how tiny he was.

But that simply didn't mean anything now.

The end is near, and he was the last one.

No, he was not, his laptop was still alive.

He was stripped naked, dirt and dust all over his body. He felt hot and dry, thirst of water but didn't have a drop since 5 days ago. His only companion now was his laptop that for some reason was still alive without battery, and still online.

The girl on the other end might have been rotten or done pecking by hungry crows for days. That end should be a place called the United Kingdom or Britain, or some called it England, before the world fell apart.

He remember that the last thing she told him while having a casual conversation was "If the world comes to an end, I pray to God don't let me be the last one to die!" While he replied, "No, let me be the last one to die, cuz I have nothing, just a lonesome figure in the human world, waiting for his doom someday, it makes no difference whether I live longer or shorter."

This was a promise he sort of made for fun, not without his usual bitterness towards his own love life --- always falling in love with the wrong girls on the net.

But not so much later, he found out that there really was such thing as "God is listening to your prayer".

His wish was granted. Now he is walking alone, tired, weak, but still far away from death, with his laptop that has a chat window that connects to the other end that will never respond.

But once in a while, he would type in a few words and send it over to her. That's her only way of feeling like a human ---- that's what they said: Human needs companion.

He kept on walking on earth for about a week more, when he finally really really exhausted, and realised that the end is near for him. He collapsed.

His fingers were still noodling over the keyboard, his spelling was still precise even though his fingers were trembling.

Slowly and surely he typed.

"My our has come, my love. I feel proud to be the last human being to witness it all. I'm in pain, great pain. I'm hungry, thirsty, and tired. In fact I do not know what kept me alive till now. My skin is burning because of the heat of the ground I'm laying on now, it kills my nerves! But I still do not regret dying for you, my love. It is my greatest pleasure in my life. Goodbye, and hello..."


And the battery went off.



Bunch of CRAP!

There are a certain kind of people in this world, who are a bunch of motherfuckin' idiots and think that they are great and in high places and try to step on you like you're nothing more than an ant.

This kinda people exists everywhere in the world but sadly, they especially like to appear in a place that provides the best job one can have in my dear country.

They don't look at how good you are, or how capable one can be.

They look at how old you are.


When you catch a big fish, you think you can catch a bigger one, and let it go just like that, doesn't that just mean you're fuckin' stupid?

I think so, personally.

I dunno why this kinda fucked up policy exists, and I also don't understand why that kinda people is running that place.

If they think they can save the day by trying to show how superior they are, they're wrong. They won't save the day, and instead, they will ruin themselves first for sure. Isn't that coming true nowadays?

See how many people would still wanna put up with your stuck up attitude and all that bullshit you give to people who come to admire your ass? If you don't wanna wake up, it's fine with me. But I wanna tell you that the dream is over, muthafucka!

Get over it!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


OK, now I'm really excited!!


Because one of Malaysia's leading composers in HERE in NYC!!!

Yes, that's the guy who won so many MPO composers forum!!!

Chong Kee Yong is his name, or "Kee Yong Chong", like the stupid westerners call him usually.

He recently worked with Ensemble Modern ---- one of the best contemporary ensembles in Europe!! Now what more do I have to say how kick-ass he is?

Kee Yong gave me an email this morning, telling me that he already arrived, so I called him up. I hope we can work some shit out during his 6-month period here...

I'm meeting him up tomorrow to makan lunch!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

My upcoming gigs

I know, I seldom write to promote my own gigs, but this time it's different: It's really my gig.

So here we go:

Justin Lim Fang Yee, my old buddy since UPM, is coming over to New York to have some fun before he leaves the US. So I decided to put on a show with him on the 11th of May in Room 264 (Choral Room) in the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College. This is a piano and violin duo concert that also will be featuring our wonderful and nonetheless beautiful guest guitarist, Michelle Marie. Repertoire will be our own originals, you don't wanna miss out if you're around town! The time is 12pm, a little odd, but for freelancers, you might stand a chance to make it! :D

My band, the newly formed Project Taming Sari is going to do our debut recital less than one week after my show with Justin. This time, my crazy cellist brother Jeremy Harman is going to play with us throughout the gig. So it's Project Taming Sari overlapping the Evil Twin!! How sweet is that?? The date is May 16th, the time will be 8pm, also in Room 264, a.k.a. Choral Room, in ACSM, Queens College. Guest appearance: Francesca Han Jiyoun, my Korean "sidegirl" (as she called her position in my band,hehe...) We will be playing some of our original spacey jazz originals, as well as a couple of standards.

Uh uh, not so fast! If you can't make it to the 8pm set, don't worry, we will be waiting for you to show up at 11pm in Hope Lounge the same night! Hope Lounge is located in Williamsburg, the address is "10 Hope St. (Between Roebling and Havemeyer)". No cover (yay!!). Very cozy place, wonderful drinks. The music will be similar to the ones in Queens College, but Francesca won't be appearing in this set unfortunately, since they do not own a piano there. Don't worry, we will have Akim Funk Buddha to jam with us!!

Need anymore info? Drop me a comment and I will be sure to get back to you.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

沉迷 Complete Obsession

他把电脑打开。 为的只是看着桌面上的照片。也许那是他每天觉得最幸福的事情。

他自认一无所有,能够得到安慰的就是从桌面上那张她的照片;尽管她是一个他完全没有见过的一个人 --- 他甚至可以假设这个人的不存在。





在世界的另一端,她松了口气 ---- 终于暂时不用下线状态了。

He started up his computer, only to look at the photo on his desktop background. Perhaps that's his happiest moment in a day.

He admitted that he's got nothing, and the only comfort he can get was from that photo of hers on his desktop; even though she is someone that he had never met --- he could even assume that not such person exists.

It's alright if he was not doing any exercise every morning, for him, he enjoyed that few seconds of accelerating heart pounding, which he thought as a more effective method than any kinds of exhausting physical exercise.

He smiled, his expression full of satisfactory.

"I'll open it up this afternoon and have a look again... I only hope she is missing me as much on her end, and also hope that she will miss me as much as I do!" thus he thought to himself.

Then he turned off his machine.

On the other side of the world, she sighed in relief ---- at last, a short moment that she could stay out of invisible mode.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

"...and so she said goodbye"

He came out of the bar, sober. He was surprised that he didn't even have one beer.

He had a faint smile on his face, almost unnoticeable. But his heart was pounding hard --- so hard that it didn't feel good at all.

"Am I sad?" he thought to himself, "or am I happy?"

It's been two years now that he was struggling --- struggling over the choices between leaving or staying for her.

"Give him a chance," he remembered saying that to her,"maybe he's busy, try to talk to her. Don't give up so easily!" He knocked his own head while he said that to her. You idiot! What are you doing to yourself?

So she did give him a chance, and their love flourished.

And what about me? He thought.

He knew from the start that it is not going to happen, telling himself that he is just a good friend to her, and he wants to see her live happily.

10,000 miles apart! What can you expect from that?

So he decided to be her best friend, advice her when she needs help. He knew that he couldn't give her more comfort than those of words. If she needs a hug, she would have to get it from "him", not me, so I have to help them to get back together.

It's not that she didn't feel his strong feelings towards her, in fact she herself felt the same way when her relationship was in the bottom of the abyss. But then he helped her to stand up again, and pushed her to give it another shot.

3 hours ago she gave him a short message on the messenger, telling him that she signed the paper and tried the wedding gown. She thanked him for everything.

He was planning his European tour right then.

"It might be a good thing that it hasn't be planned out yet," he thought, not without a feeling of bitterness.

And so they parted, without ever meeting each other before.

Friday, April 27, 2007

It's the Zorn thing!

John Zorn's Marathon concert for his Schuman Award.


In Miller Theater.

3 sets. 45 minutes each.

Nick and me were lucky enough to get standby tickets.

1st set, Masada String Trio and Masada Rock. Fuck yeah... I was especially impressed by Erik Friedlander's awesome tone and creativity!

2nd set, his concert music. I missed the first piece for clarinet and bass clarinet. But the 2nd piece for piano, "Carny", is a schizophrenic yet lively work, even further brought to live by Stephen Drury. 3rd one was "Necronomicon", his 5-movement string quartet, performed by Jennifer Choi, Jesse Mills, Richard O'Neill and Fred Sherry. Very well performed.

3rd set, COBRA!! Fun fun fun... All-star cast: Cyro Baptista, Okkyung Lee, Mark Feldman, Erik Friedlander, Stephen Drury, Sylvie Courvoisier, Jamie Saft, Ikue Mori, etc. Zorn was the prompter. That shit was fun from beginning to the end.

One funny moment, when Nick and me came back from the intermission after the 1st set, Zorn took our seats...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My shittiest day ---- April 24, 2007

Yup, that's my shitties day, no kiddin'.

Woke up, got a letter from MF, saying that he had to back out writing a recom for my artist visa... sigh...

Then in the afternoon I saw my other roommate, whom I met once, a chick from TW. She was cooking, I smiled at her and tried to say hi and she just turned back and looked at me like a stray dog for a split second, then went back to cooking.

WTF...? She doesn't even have a very basic gesture when two civilised human beings see each other.

Then I went to fix my bow and went over to Flushing, the train stopped at 103 St-Corona, and the conductor asked all of us to leave the train, because of "customer injury". Apparently some motherfucker jumped into the 7 train track while my train was approaching. A woman pointed at the track and yelled, "He's right in there!! I saw it because I was about to ask him something and he just did a deep-dive into the track!!" Another black guy said, "Yeah man, there's really someone in there..."

Gross shit, someone crushed into pieces under my feet?

Namo amitabha...

Then after I came back in Flushing late at night, I got an email from Desmond, telling me that I didn't show up in the rehearsal... huh? Got meh? Why is it not in my schedule one??


That wasn't Friday the 13th, why was all these things happening to me?!!


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Overnight on top of Times Square

I spent my night on Times Square.
Yeah seriously.

But I didn't sleep on the streets. I was in my friend's office right above Hard Rock Cafe. From the meeting room of the office, you could see the lights shining directly into the window, you hardly even need lights to read. People walking to and fro on the streets non-stop --- especially it's the first night of Spring weather.
Wow...it's like a dream!!

I fell asleep on the couch of the office's lobby while my friend was typing a paper. When I woke up, it's already 12pm.
I went out of the building, and I knew rightaway that Spring is here! Everybody was smiling and walking in the sunshine with their shorts and t-shirts.
Now that's what I call good weather!

Friday, April 20, 2007


其实还是比较喜欢楼下, 楼上的人给人感觉都是怪怪的。 尤其某位仁兄都不大爱睬人, 连正眼也不看我一下, 见面也不问好。
大家同屋住就和善一点嘛, 又没有得罪你... 降鸟样有钱拿咩???
房间看起来小, 其实还是有点空间的. 至少不会像以前61-49那样路都难走。不过以后东西全搬进来过后就不知道了...

Moved into my actual room at last.
I actually still prefer downstairs, as the people upstairs are a little weird. Such as this bro that lives across, he doesn't give a shit to people, doesn't even lay an eye on me or say hi.
Come on man, just be a little friendlier, we're roommates, I didn't step on your toes... what the fuck?
Although my room looks small, it's actually spacier than my room in 61-49 --- which I didn't even have space to walk. But I'm curious about how will it be when I moved all my shit over here...
I hope I can stay here for a while.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

When you shed your tears of fear

When you shed your tears of fear

Have you thought of more are not so near?

Though it happens in your land so dear

Deaths are out there everyday not every year

It's so clear...

What we see we always fear

What we don't we just don't care

If you're worried for your life so dear

Why not care for those who didn't die here?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Friends from the older days

Since I got out of high school, I seldom gather with my high school friends anymore, except a few. What I'm sayin' is those big-ass parties and dinners with the whole class appearing, I usually don't attend --- in fact I never did.

Actually I did --- once. Just once. And I gave up.

That was not long after we left the school, they said they wanted to have a mamak gathering. Sure, why not.

So I went, and they started to talk shit, which is something I can join in.

But after a while, they started to ask me what do I study. I said music. So they asked me how does that work? So I started to explain the curriculum a little bit, then Tortoise rudely cut in and said, "Ah! That's some shit that we would never understand!" Then they started to say other things.

Fine, fair enough. I understand that they must have had a lot of question marks in their minds like "What the hell is this guy doing anyway? Music? Why do you need to go to school for that kinda shit?"

Seeing my friends all going to another direction like a school of dolphins, I thought to myself that it's time to say "bye" to the old days because we'll all start our own lives. No reason for me to dwell in the history. People change when their lives change. They're now engineers, direct-salesmen/women, pharmacist...

The only ones I can relate to, are the ones who studied graphic design and theatre, because they work in the art field, so our "brain frequencies" are somehow similar.

It's interesting to think about it sometimes, when you are wondering how far have you gone since high school. It's really nothing to feel sad about, this isolation. It's just a process of life I guess.

But I'm lucky that I still have some friends from high school that are still very close with me: Albert, Old Joe, Choo Huey aka Michelle Yeoh (of all names you chose this, beats me!) and Lai Peng. Pretty cool.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Tierras Colombianos

I live in a hispanic neighbourhood in Jackson Heights.

When most people hear "Jackson Heights", they would start telling me how they love Indian food...

Uh huh, me too.

Uh uh, but that's not my area.

I live in the edge between Corona and Jackson Heights --- obviously on the side of Jackson Heights. There are Mexicans surrounding the area that I live. If you take the 7 train (which is 2 minutes' walk from my place) one station towards Manhattan, you will see the area becoming a Colombian place.

Yup, you see the word "Colombianos" everywhere!

Right under the station, there is this fantastic restaurant called "Tierras Colombianos".

Holy crap, I went there once and ordered the Breaded Pork Loin, hell man, it's SOOOOOOO delicious!!

I couldn't the shit, so I brought it back home ---- now can you imagine how big it is?

Yeah... viva Tierras Colombianos!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Not much happened in these few days, except playing a great show last Friday in Joe's Pub with Akim Funk Buddha and totally pissed off by the motherfuckin' receptionist in Blue Note.

I literally didn't do shit on Sunday, except practiced a wee bit.

Yesterday was some funny shit, Monday. I woke up telling myself that I was late for QC Orchestra rehearsal and rushed over. Nobody but Carla was sitting on the stage in the dark to practice.

What's goin' on?! Nobody's in school!

Ha! Stupid me, it's still spring break...

So I stayed there thinking that I could print some music for my upcoming rehearsals and gigs, but fuck, media center printer is fucked up.

Then what? Pizza break with my band of course!!

Then I did my mail forwarding and I went to New York Tong Ren Tang to buy pearl cream... oh and I bought two DVDs ---- Confessions of Pain and The Protege. Both are Hong Kong movies that got high acclaims.

I can't wait to see them! But before that... let's take care of my comics first...

Did my laundry, and went to bed.

What a day.

Friday, April 06, 2007

And then it was snowing...

Can't believe this shit, SNOWING?!! What time of the year is it?!! April!!


But I had quite an exciting day yesterday. I finally get to show joget to the Brazillian Guitar Duo, to find out how similar it is with Brazillian music. They were totally excited, not just because they sound similar, but Joao told me that there is actually ONE kind of fishermen in Brazil that play beats like this! And Douglas agreed too!

Then we started to jam, gave me a taste of what bossa nova should really feel like. They told me all that square bossa nova that I heard back home is actually afro-cuban bossa, not the real deal. And I totally feel that: They don't stress on the first beat, instead, they LEAN towards the 2nd beat (a little anticipated) and pull the tempo back on the 3rd and the 4th beats.

I guess it's the lilt that really made joget and Brazillian music sound similar.

Later after the concert, I showed my friend, a Portuguese who is currently a composition professor in NYU, my joget CD. He wasn't as excited as the duo, but nonetheless, he loved the sound of that music. When I told him this is a Portuguese influenced dance music in Melaka, he said he can hear the Portuguese influences.

Now, from the reaction of both parties, I could tell the Brazillians feel closer to the music than my Portuguese friend does. My theory is, this kind of music "migrated" to both Melaka and Brazil around the same time and grew roots into the ethnic culture there, got localised. But as for Portugal, maybe it is just a part of an evolving process for their music, and it didn't last too long.

Yeah babe, it felt so good doing "cultural exchange".

Oh yeah, before I went to Miller to perform with POA, I was in 42nd St Times Sq. Station. I saw these amazing Afro-Cuban street musicians, playing some amazing shit. The guitarist started playing a riff, and so u thoght u know where the down beat was right? Then when the percussionist entered with the clave, everything that you thought was right COMPLETELY fell out of place. The clave came in in the MIDDLE of the fucking riff!! That shit strikes me to the maximum! Hell yeah!! Not just that! Later they had a kick that came in in ANOTHER different part of the clave, gosh!! I dunno how them Cuban guys' brains work, but they sure is complicated.

After POA concert, I went to see L'Attitude feat. Richard Bona in the Cutting Room. Holy crap man, Richard is some motherfucker, both on the bass and voice!! I get to see him for real at last!!

He can sing while improvising on his bass, singing unison with his bass, without missing any single note. When you think his voice is so high and angelic with his falsetto, all of a sudden, he can sing so low, as low as his bass. I think he is using similar kind of technique with the one Bobby McFerrin is using. It's a kind of "harmonics" instead of real voice. It was fascinating.