Saturday, May 19, 2007

Do I need a title for this?

It's 12:42pm

Moon is bright

Out to buy a bagel

Smell roti canai instead

Wind's cold

T-shirt, shorts and slippers are just nice

Life's hectic

Sit down and have a teh tarik

Lonely here

Furiosity there

Oh my one whole brain

Splitted mind in 2

New York

Kuala Lumpur


Anonymous said...

someone miss home there ha?

just move in to my new place... just cant get used to it at all, is too isolated, and of coz like i told u, IS WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!! stupid favor for some idiot... hai

KL for me is not only a place for makan, also great for me to walk alone, or grab a bus to genting in one hour, or go to some waterfall in less than one hour... or beach site... everything is much easier. of course, roti canai is always the best thing...

yea, i miss KL.

Violinuts said...

sure or not? mou hai diu there wor~~ :P