Monday, May 07, 2007

Epilogue of a Daydream

He sat in front of the computer screen for two hours, doing nothing but waiting for her reply.

Yet she didn't.

She used to be enthusiastic since last week. She said hi herself once he popped up online, she talked a lot, laughed at his jokes, playing online games together.

She told him she was lonely, that she's tired waiting for the one she's been waiting for.

He happily accepted her invitation to her world.

He went online on time, tried to make her happy and cheer her up.

And now it's dead silence. Dead silence since 5 days ago.

He didn't understand what happened. Is she alright? Hm... since she's online, she shuold be OK, right?...

x x x x x x x

She typed in a few words and pressed "Enter".

On the white chat window it said, "Happy to see you back, baby! I miss you so much! Promise me you won't live me again!"

The reply was, "I never did, and I never will. I was just to busy, forgive me hon."

She smiled.

x x x x x x x

A nightmare shook him awake and he didn't remember what it was about.

The air was cold, the sky was very dark. Maybe a few stars and a pale moon.

The clock pointed at 4am.

He shut down the machine and went to bed with all question marks filling his chest.


Anonymous said...

ask that guy to stop sitting in front of the computer, get his ass off and do something else

Violinuts said...

eh save your kacau ok?! pkm betul...

SuYen said...

girls are hard to understand sometimes..