Tuesday, May 08, 2007

This Town

Jiyoun told me she has a crazy life here in the City.

"How so?" I asked. She couldn't answer. After a moment of thoughts, she replied, "I feel I'm getting old."

I said she's just a couple years older than me, why old?

She said not the age --- she feels old inside. She said time runs away so fast in this town, and so little is achieved.

I told her I have the same feeling, I can't really tell if I'm empty or lonely here. Can't be lonely right? I have so many friends here. But I've never felt content.

She agreed with me, she felt the same.


I met an old wise man in Brooklyn who lived here for more than 30 years.

I asked him what does he think of the City?

He gave me a simple yet deep answer, "This is a place where you get it, or lose it."


We're both people from another place foreign to this town. We're here because we're searching for something.

After our conversation on the train, the wise man's words were ringing in my head, "This is a place where you get it, or lose it."

...this is a place where you get it, or lose it.

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