Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My shittiest day ---- April 24, 2007

Yup, that's my shitties day, no kiddin'.

Woke up, got a letter from MF, saying that he had to back out writing a recom for my artist visa... sigh...

Then in the afternoon I saw my other roommate, whom I met once, a chick from TW. She was cooking, I smiled at her and tried to say hi and she just turned back and looked at me like a stray dog for a split second, then went back to cooking.

WTF...? She doesn't even have a very basic gesture when two civilised human beings see each other.

Then I went to fix my bow and went over to Flushing, the train stopped at 103 St-Corona, and the conductor asked all of us to leave the train, because of "customer injury". Apparently some motherfucker jumped into the 7 train track while my train was approaching. A woman pointed at the track and yelled, "He's right in there!! I saw it because I was about to ask him something and he just did a deep-dive into the track!!" Another black guy said, "Yeah man, there's really someone in there..."

Gross shit, someone crushed into pieces under my feet?

Namo amitabha...

Then after I came back in Flushing late at night, I got an email from Desmond, telling me that I didn't show up in the rehearsal... huh? Got meh? Why is it not in my schedule one??


That wasn't Friday the 13th, why was all these things happening to me?!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How totally gross. Some guy died right near you. You poor, poor thing!