Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A conversation I just dug up

I was cleaning up my Facebook mailbox and I stumbled upon this conversation that I had with Liz, my non-genetic little sis, before she went over to Singapore to study.

She was a naive little girl when I knew her, homeschooled most of her life, very well-protected, didn't really know much about the outside world. But she had a very strong character and very opinionated, which made it hard to work with her.

So upon her departure to Singapore, I burned her a CD with Train's hit song, "Drops of Jupiter" inside. A year after she went to Singapore, I asked her if she liked the song, she said she naturally didn't like it cuz it was rock. I smiled it off.

Last year, I bumped into her on Facebook (LONG LIVE FACEBOOK!), so here's our conversation:

7:42am Feb 28th
"Now tell me, did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the milky way and see the lights all faded, and heaven is overrated. Now tell me, did you fall for a shooting star? One without a permanent scar and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?"

Do you now get the meaning of me sending this song to you when you first went off to study?

12:54pm Mar 2nd
Yes i do!! It didn't make much sense back then, but looking back after four years of college.. I have to say it's been quite a journey and an eye-opening experience. I bet you felt almost the same way when u went to the States!

2:10am Mar 3rd
perhaps, but not as much as you, seeing the different environments we grew up in. it's always good to be around many people, u see u learn and u grow.So tell me, did you sail across the sun? ;)

2:07pm Mar 11th
Here's to you, big bro!

I sailed across the sun and made it to the Milky Way
And saw the lights all faded, stayed in heaven for a day
"Without scars there can be no stars", is what I heard them say
And missed you when I found myself.. back from the Milky Way

1:03am Mar 12th
Haha! GOOD ONE!!! I like that!!!

(thank god it made sense to her...)

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