Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funk Buddha gig in Zebulon

I thought I was lost after getting off from the subway.

Walking along Metropolitan Ave in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, looking for Zebulon Cafe, it was really cold because wind was blowing so strong it almost shrunk my balls.

When I finally got to Zebulon, only the percussionist Vivian was there. We waited there for one hour (show hits at 10pm), watching Akira Kurosawa's Dreams juxtaposing with Brazillian music played from the PA system. Akim and others came a little later after that.

When we finally hit, I told the drummer I would start off with the riff of Name Wee's "King of Daoban". I was listening to that song on the way, so I thought it would be fun to start off with that --- it's also a rap song anyway.

It was a fun night, which Akim regarded as "rehearsal". It was the usual spontaneous style that Akim is used to, only even freer this time. It was fun!

Peter Lew wasn't there, so there weren't any harmony or anything, and I became the "chordal instrument", playing all the riffs and maintain the simple harmonic progressions that I created on the spot. My delay pedals were a great help, I could do so much more colours with it!

I did some "conversations" with a couple of the performers and guests, exchanging licks and stuff.

The great thing was Pete List was back in the group. Man, I'd say he's my favourite beatboxer to date, because of the crisp sound, snappy beats and his unhumanly sound effects.

At one point of the show, I actually went crazy and started to play Jacko's "Smooth Criminal" riff, the crowd went crazy, we weren't any better. It was the climax of the show.

Ever since my last time playing with Akim (the LaMama theatrical run), I finally found a very balanced way of working with him. I sort of got his pacing of things, and I now know where and when I should play more or play less. I think that's why tonight's show totally rocked out!

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