Friday, July 21, 2006

Henry Mancini Institute 2006 (Week 1)

So I'm back here again, to HMI.

I took off from KL in the morning of 13th July, after a whole 3 weeks of craziness there.

Transit in Hong Kong was fun. I knew Julian was going home on the same day but I didn't know what time was his flight. I tried my luck by calling him with my cellphone. But there were some limitations going on there, I could only SMS him. Surprisingly, he called me back! Then he told me he was upstairs in the airport!

So I went up to meet him and Eddie. We took a couple pictures and they went to buy wine for people in KL. Then they told me about the whole Jackie Chan scandal in their gig with Jonathan Lee (李宗盛).

Anyway, I stayed on in the airport for one more hour after they took off.

Then I reached LA, my beloved city.

Waited in the special registration room for about an hour before I could come out as a free man. Then I waited for Ken and his woman to come fetch me at the airport. He told me there was big traffic along the way.

After I hopped on to his car, he drove me straight to see Pirates of Caribbean 2. I totally fell asleep in many parts of the movie. So I can't tell if the film is good or not, saw some nice effects, so I think it might be good...

Night time was drinking time with Ken, we went to buy sake and plum wine and had quite a lot, didn't get fucked up though, so it's fine. But whenever I get alcohol, I will always shit like mad the next day, haha! So you know what happened to me right?

So the next day we went to pick up HP, then checked in to HMI.

Many news faces, a few old ones. But it's cool, cuz my roommates are great people, including Jeremy my buddy, and Russ the viola principal of our 1st week, and Ben the bass trombonist who always seek for more jazz solo opportunities, haha!

* * * * * * * *

The funny thing about this time was, we started party in the first night! That, I guess, never happened before. At least we're not that crazy last year.

Anyway, in the placement audition, they asked me if I mind sitting in a principal chair again. I said I wanna do more of my own stuff, so the less responsibility the better. My wish was granted, I get NO principal chairs whatsoever, NO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! So this time I can sit in the audience and watch Gonzalo Rubalcaba perform!!!

Orchestra pieces this week are very nice this time, more depth, more artistic. The highlight of the program, I think, is Pat Williams' "August", a work he wrote after he had a health breakdown and went through a big operation. I guess life experience could change a person entirely. Pat looks different, not that his looks changed, but his whole attitude of talking and everything looks so unlike last year.

As for string band, I got put into Lesa Terry's band, which is cool. She is known to be very organized and systematic in teaching. I'm glad. A little disappointed that I don't get to play in Danny Seidenberg's band though... But oh well, others deserve an oppotunity.

This Saturday will be an audition day for us violinists to choose a soloist for Stardust, a piece arranged by Pat. There are some open solo changes that I need to work on. Ray Pizzi, my father figure in improvisation helped me for a whole one half hours yesterday. I'm soooo grateful about that! Thanks Ray! I will remember all the scales you taught me.

Tonight was another fun night, it's the SIMPSONS READING SESSION!!! Alf Clausen, the composer himself, came to conduct us as usual, and told us some nice and funny stories. It was great.

One thing I need to mention is the jams I had since I came in this year. I never had that much jamming last year, because of the business I had. So this time I got to jam a lot with Jeremy, and also the "real deals" in HMI. It was scary in the official jam session on Monday, seeing all them great players burning their solos like nobody's business. I played really really badly that night.

But just now after the Simpsons, somebody started a jam session, and I watched for a long time, wondering if I should join in, cuz I was nervous, plus I dunno those tunes. At last, they said, "Let's play a last one, All Blues in 11!" So immediately took out my horn (it's actually my violin) and joined in. It was fun, I thought I played well.

I guess I just have to keep on playing with other people, jamming without thinking what others might think of me. To be totally fluent in jazz is my goal, I think I can do it, it only takes time. So I will spend a lot of time digging into it, learning everything I can learn to be a pro. I don't think I have time for any other thing in this case I guess, but it's OK, if I can get it. What else matters?

1 comment:

Violinuts said...

diu nei lah... i ask u to come also u dun wan... some more tell me what cock u can invite anybody to Thailand... diu...