Sunday, November 05, 2006

Take it like a man

Yes, I got fired for a gig.

Whether or not I can go back is still a big question mark. I wrote to them to explain why I was late and promised that I won't be late again. But if that woman is a hard nut to crack, then I will lose some money here.

What I have lost I cannot take back.

But I decided to learn it from experience and take it like a man.

That's what the Mancini Institute taught me, they taught me about professionalism, about being punctual. They told me no matter what reason, late means late and they couldn't care less what had happened to you on the way. It's cold, but it's true.

This thing also taught me to hold no grudge to anybody who fired me, cuz they fired me for a reason, and they were just doing their job.

I looked at my Mancini T-shirt that I have on me right now, remembering EVERYTHING what they told me --- the gospel truth of gigging.


Anonymous said...

Glad that you still remember that. Not that I wanted to nag you. but you know the rules. What is the real reason you lost it is important. After you realize that, you know who's fault... ok then you can diu whatever you want...

I learned that too. and I always look into my own problem. Diu myself first... then only I diu whatever for my SYOK sake.

Also, get it back! you need it !

Violinuts said...

Diu lei lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

piew said...

don't you still a boy?