Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bossa Jam!!

I finished my Phil Orch of Americas rehearsal early today, so I went to see Apocalypto on Times Square 42nd St, then I watched half of the newest James Bond. After i came out, I went over to BB King's and check out what's going on in there. I was wondering if my friend Kerry Linder would sing in there tonight, then, to amazement, there was this beautiful poster that said "Now Appearing", and "Kerry Linder", and most important of all, "Free"!!

So I went straight in, she was already singing, I ordered a cappuccino and started enjoying the sick shit that lady flutist/saxophonist was playing. Man, her shit was so bad!! I LOVE her feel and her beautiful lines. Then, came the most beautiful sight. Four japanese chicks came right in and sat on the table opposite mine! One of them looked almost like Zhang Ziyi, only better!!

Damn, a night of great bossa nova and a beautiful lady to behold, what else do you want? Right? Then, Kerry wanted me to play with her, since I had my violin with me.

So I went up and played a couple songs that I never played before. That shit was fun and scary! But people liked it, Kerry was really happy. And I saw the Japanese chick clapping after my first solo...ooh~~

I also met Hitomi whom I played with in Akim's gig, surprisingly, her boyfriend, Ian McDonald, is Kerry's guitarist! Wow! What a small world!!!

I was really happy tonight!

The only thing that let me down was me losing the chance to the japanese chick... she was gone when Hitomi was talking to me about her musical goal... :'(

I wish I could see her again in BB King's some time in the future...

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