Friday, September 08, 2006

An exciting day...

I woke up this morning, around 11 something. (Slept at 5am ok? So shut up!)

I jotted down everything that I need to do today:

1) Send the signed contract to Barry Seroff
2) E-mail resume to the Brooklyn Queens Conservatory of Music
3) Return CD to Smaldone
4) Look for an amplifier
5) Copy out clean parts for my new song "JY"

I sat in front of the computer and added some new info into my resume and sent it out.

The contract I sent out on the way to QC, the CD I slipped into the key drop of the office.

Then I went on to Sam Ash to look for my amplifier. On the way, I got to know a pretty chick in the bus station, she studies in the high school besides Queens College. (Underage huh? I see) Anyway, after I got down from the bus, I walked to Sam Ash, when a lady called me up, telling me that she is a contractor from an opera company, it's a Union gig! I told her I was outside, I had to check my schedule before I can really answer her.

Anyways, I bought a 20 Watts Guitar Research amp, 119 dollars. Not bad. Quite loud.

So now I'm back, knowing that I can do the gig, called the contractor up twice on different numbers, no answers, left voice message, e-mail her my resume...

We'll see how it goes.

One last thing to do before I sleep: Copy out the parts.

By the way, Rachel, thanks for looking out, I hope I can get the gig! Thank you so very much!

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