Friday, September 01, 2006

珍珠奶綠 / Lunch with A-chan



連羊肉串也不例外. 我到現在為止,只吃過一串.


x x x x x x x x x

Lunch with A-chan didn't happen.

I got her message this morning while I was still in the bed, she said she didn't sleep at all last night, so she needs to catch up with some sleep.

Oh well... Guess we all have our lives to live...

I'm glad enough that there are always some friends here and there. It's always good to have friends. They might seem distanced in usual days, but when something big happens, they're still the ones to go to.

Not the ones that WERE used to be close to you. No way. Those very close ones, once you part with them, they will never turn back...

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