Monday, October 09, 2006

The Departed vs. Infernal Affairs

Saw "The Departed" last night. It's pretty well made. Except it's a little too long for my taste.

I guess the reason is because they tried to give every big star in the movie a chance to act. But this caused some inbalance in the movie.

I dunno if it's me taking sides or what, but I still like Infernal Affairs --- the Hong Kong flick that The Departed is based on. I like the way they present the story, the simplicity of a complicated storyline. It focuses on two men instead of letting everybody shine. But don't get me wrong, the actors in Infernal Affairs ALL had great chances to show their ability to act, because the script is very well written, small roles doesn't mean outplayed.

But I would say The Departed is still worth a watch. You can let me know what you think after you saw it!

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