Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mikael's new piece and the lesson with Mdm Rhee

I came back from lunch with Manda after the QCO rehearsal (taught her some ancient Chinese homework), had a short nap, and started to practice Mikael's newly written piece for us that I got from yesterday (Oct 10th).

The piece is fuckin' hard, not that it's technically challenging or anything, it's just the counting. I tried to do quarter equals to 72, which is the original speed, but it's impossible. So I slowed it down to 60, didn't work either. So I started to play half time to figure them out.

It got better.

Well... I guess I have to spend a lot of time doing that and listen to the MIDI file...

After practicing for a short while, it was my time to meet up with Firepower to rehearse and take HER lesson with Mdm Rhee.

Mdm Rhee is a very strict teacher, she knows what she's saying and teaching, I have lots of respect towards her. She told me once that I should think more before I do something in the music and don't be like a mindless fiddler.

It really knocks me on the head hard and woke me up!

Yes, I had been pretty careless with such stuff... or rather, I didn't really get enough information about it before, about the stylistic stuff.

So I was wondering about this time. What would she say?

Strangely enough, she didn't say a word about my playing today. Yet, she asked Firepower to listen to how I play and follow what I do!


So I bought myself a BIG Strawberry Milkshake in Coldstone later. hehe...

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